This is a site that mints an ERC721 Contract, intended for use with the TokenScript sample series here:
You must have Rinkeby on your wallet account to create the constructor.
The code uses simple unprocessed in-browser JavaScript. Dependencies, like the Web3Modal library itself, are loaded over Unpkg CDN. The code is extensively commented and short.
- signing tests
- add more chains
Originally sourced from:
Because of limitations how wallet operate within a web browser and web security, you should not run this example, or any Web3modal code, out of your file system or insecure HTTP protocol (even using localhost).
Setup on Windows:
npm i -g --only=prod https-localhost
UNIX style:
npm i -g --only=prod https-localhost
sudo serve .
... in the folder of index.html file.
Then you can visit https://localhost to open the example.