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Conditional formatting

Jan Källman edited this page Sep 17, 2017 · 1 revision

Conditional formatting is accessable via the ConditionalFormatting property of the ExcelWorksheet class.

Some examples (more extensive examples are available in the sample 14):

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// TwoColorScale Conditional Formatting example
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
        ExcelAddress cfAddress1 = new ExcelAddress("A2:A10");
        var cfRule1 = worksheet.ConditionalFormatting.AddTwoColorScale(cfAddress1);

        // Now, lets change some properties:
        cfRule1.LowValue.Type = eExcelConditionalFormattingValueObjectType.Num;
        cfRule1.LowValue.Value = 4;
        cfRule1.LowValue.Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFEB84");
        cfRule1.HighValue.Type = eExcelConditionalFormattingValueObjectType.Formula;
        cfRule1.HighValue.Formula = "IF($G$1=\"A</x:&'cfRule>\",1,5)";
        cfRule1.StopIfTrue = true;
        cfRule1.Style.Font.Bold = true;