I'm a passionate hobby software developer from Germany. I started programming in C# when I was 13 years old. Over the time I had several breaks where I tried out different other programming languages like Java, C++, Python but my great love is still C#.
After I finished school I started studying mathematics and later computer science at the university of Paderborn. But I had my issues with each of the courses of study. I lacked of mathematical intution. Finally I ended studying without a degree neither in mathematics nor in computer science.
During the study I started working part time in a warehouse as an order picker. I also had different other tasks there. After I ended studying I turned in as a full time order picker in the same company.
One day I found a vacancy offer as a Junior Software Developer C# in the headquarters of my company on the company's website. Immediately I started writing an application. My boss submitted my application there with a personal recommendation. They invited me to a job interview but finally they employed another applicant. But my application attracted attention in another department where they also needed a software developer. Although they needed a fully experienced software developer they employed me for an internship for two months. After this time they decided to employ me for the next two years. And here I am on my way to a full software developer.
So feel free to browse through my different projects. Use them for inspiration and so forth.
Now let me show you more about the languages I use, libraries, operating systems and what not.