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OpenBao Plugin: Nomad Secrets Backend

This is a standalone backend plugin for use with OpenBao. This plugin generates Nomad ACL tokens dynamically based on pre-existing Nomad ACL policies.

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Getting Started

This is a OpenBao plugin and is meant to work with OpenBao. This guide assumes you have already installed OpenBao and have a basic understanding of how OpenBao works.

To learn specifically about how plugins work, see documentation on OpenBao plugins.


Please see documentation for the plugin.


If you wish to work on this plugin, you'll first need Go installed on your machine.

To compile a development version of this plugin, run go build. This will put the plugin binary in the repository root folder.

$ go build

Once you've done that, you can test your new plugin version in OpenBao. To do this, put the plugin binary into a location of your choice. This directory will be specified as the plugin_directory in the OpenBao config used to start the server.

plugin_directory = "path/to/plugin/directory"

Start a OpenBao server with this config file:

$ bao server -config=path/to/config.json ...

Once the server is started, register the plugin in the OpenBao server's plugin catalog:

$ bao plugin register \
        -sha256=<expected SHA256 Hex value of the plugin binary> \
        secret \

Note you should generate a new sha256 checksum if you have made changes to the plugin. Example using sha256sum:

$ sha256sum openbao-plugin-secrets-nomad 
1642208f51c221e1d1acecbd16dcfb6ea43909a150f35fff3fc233490b722d5e  openbao-plugin-secrets-nomad

Enable the plugin backend using the secrets enable plugin command:

$ bao secrets enable -path=nomad openbao-plugin-secrets-nomad

Successfully enabled 'openbao-plugin-secrets-nomad' at 'nomad'!


If you are developing this plugin and want to verify it is still functioning (and you haven't broken anything else), we recommend running the tests.

To run the tests, invoke go test:

$ go test ./nomad/...

You can also sfilter tests like so:

$ go test ./nomad/... --run=TestBackend_config_Bootstrap