AWD-LSTM from ("Regularizing and Optimizing LSTM Language Models") for tensorflow.
Training-award quantization for integer-arithmetic-only inference ("Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference") is also provided.
This code is implemmented and tested with tensorflow 1.11.0. and 1.13.0.
- Simply initial AWD-LSTM, it's a standard
from weight_drop_lstm import WeightDropLSTMCell
lstm_cell = WeightDropLSTMCell(
num_units=CELL_NUM, weight_drop_kr=WEIGHT_DP_KR,
use_vd=True, input_size=INPUT_SIZE)
Arguments are define as follows:
: the number of cell in LSTM layer. [ints]
: the number of steps that fast weights go forward. [int]
: If true, using variational dropout on weight drop-connect, standard dropout otherwise. [bool]
: Ifuse_vd=True
, input_size (dimension of last channel) should be provided. [int]
The remaining keyword arguments is exactly the same as tf.nn.LSTMCell
Noted that, if the weight_drop_kr is not provided or provided with 1.0, WeightDropLSTMCell
is reducted as LSTMCell
- Insert update operation of dropout kernel to the place you want.
# By simply in each training step
# Or use control_dependencies
vd_update_ops = lstm_cell.get_vd_update_op()
with tf.control_dependencies(vd_update_ops):
You can also add get_vd_update_op()
to GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS
when calling WeightDropLSTMCell
Noted that, if you use control_dependencies
, please be careful for the order of execution.
The variational dropout kernel should not be update before the optimizer step.
The main idea of AWD-LSTM is the drop-connect weights and concatinated inputs.
If is_vd=True
, variables will be used to saved the dropout kernel.
I have conduct experiments on a many-to-many recursive task this implementation and carry out a better results than simple LSTMCell
lstm_cell = WeightDropLSTMCell(
num_units=CELL_NUM, weight_drop_kr=WEIGHT_DP_KR,
is_quant=True, is_train=True)
tf.contrib.quantize.create_training_graph(sess.graph, quant_delay=0)
I also provided a tensorflow implementation of variational dropout, which is more flexible than DropoutWrapper
in tensorflow.
The usage is similar to using WeightDropLSTMCell
from variational_dropout import VariationalDropout
vd = VariationalDropout(input_shape=[5], keep_prob=0.5)
# Directly to update
# Or use control_dependencies
with tf.control_dependencies(vd.get_update_mask_op()):
step, results_array = tf.while_loop(
cond=lambda step, _: step < 5,
loop_vars=(step, results_array))
This is just a simple example.
Usually, control_dependencies will be placed where optimizer stepping.
You can also add get_update_mask_op()
to GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS
when calling VariationalDropout
Once again, if you use control_dependencies
, please be careful for the order of execution.
- Provide the regulization utilities mentioned in the paper.
- Maybe there is some more elegant way to implement variational dropout.
- Pull out quantization delay.
- Provide interface for non-quantized model and quantized mode.
- Documentation for quantization training.
If you have any suggestion, please let me know. I'll be pretty grateful!
Code work by Jia-Yau Shiau
Quantization code work is advised and forked from Peter Huang