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Jarvus Cluster Template

This template provides a common foundation for lightweight k8s clusters.

Kubernetes version

Currently supported Kubernetes API versions:

  • 1.21
  • 1.22

Getting started

The .holo/branches/k8s-manifests tree defines a holobranch named k8s-manifests, which can be projected with the git-holo tool:

npm install -g hologit
cd ./cluster-template
git holo project k8s-manifests # output is tree hash

The output is the hash of a git tree object, which could be passed to git archive to generate a tar stream or file, or you could instead have git-holo commit it to a named branch for you:

git holo project k8s-manifests --commit-to=k8s/manifests

A previous-committed projection can be sent directly to kubectl diff (or apply):

git archive --format=tar k8s/manifests \
  | tar -xf - --to-command='bash -c "echo --- && cat"' \
  | kubectl diff -f -

You could even go straight from working tree to kubectl diff (or apply):

git holo project k8s-manifests --working --fetch \
  | xargs -n 1 git archive --format=tar \
  | tar -xf - --to-command='bash -c "echo --- && cat"' \
  | kubectl diff -f -

How it works

  • .holo/config.toml assigns the source name jarvus-cluster-template to the local repository
  • .holo/sources/cert-manager.toml defines a named remote content source
  • .holo/sources/ingress-nginx.toml defines a named remote content source
  • .holo/branches/k8s-manifests/_jarvus-cluster-template.toml populates the root of the k8s-manifests holobranch with a filtered subset of the local repository's contents
  • .holo/branches/k8s-manifests/infra/cert-manager.toml populates the infra/cert-manager/ path of the k8s-manifests holobranch with content from the cert-manager source
  • .holo/branches/k8s-manifests/infra/cert-manager.crd.toml populates the infra/cert-manager.crd/ path of the k8s-manifests holobranch with content from the cert-manager source
  • .holo/branches/k8s-manifests/infra/ingress-nginx.toml populates the infra/ingress-nginx/ path of the k8s-manifests holobranch with content from the ingress-nginx source
  • .holo/lenses/cert-manager.toml applies helm template to the infra/cert-manager/ path, replacing it with the rendered output
  • .holo/lenses/ingress-nginx.toml applies helm template to the infra/ingress-nginx/ path, replacing it with the rendered output
  • .holo/lenses/k8s-normalize.toml applies (after all other lenses) a NodeJS script to the entire tree converting it to a normal form


While you could apply the output of this repository directly to a cluster, the real power is using it from your own repository as a base layer for your own content:

# create a new repo
git init /tmp/my-cluster; cd /tmp/my-cluster

# create an initial commit before using git-holo
echo "# my-cluster" >; git add; git commit -m "docs: initial commit"

# initialize git-holo configuration
git holo init
git commit -m "chore: git holo init"

# create k8s-manifest holobranch
git holo branch create k8s-manifests --template=passthrough
git commit -m "feat: add k8s-manifests holobranch"

# test holobranch projection
git ls-tree $(git holo project k8s-manifests) # just a for now

# add jarvus-cluster-template as a source
git holo source create --name jarvus-cluster-template
git commit -m "feat: add jarvus-cluster-template holosource"

# underlay k8s-blueprint holobranch from jarvus-cluster-template holosource
echo '[holomapping]
holosource = "=>k8s-blueprint"
files = "**"
before = "*"
' > .holo/branches/k8s-manifests/_jarvus-cluster-template.toml
git add --all
git commit -m "feat: add jarvus-cluster-template content to k8s-manifest holobranch"

# commit projection to a branch
git holo project k8s-manifests --commit-to=k8s/manifests

# inspect the tree
git ls-tree -r k8s/manifests

# see what the tree looks like pre-lensing (.holo/lenses/ contains pending lenses)
git ls-tree -r $(git holo project k8s-manifests --no-lens)

# override a source file
mkdir -p "infra/cert-manager/"
echo 'prometheus:
  enabled: true
' > infra/cert-manager/values.yaml
git add --all
git commit -m "feat: enable prometheus in cert-manager"

# re-project and commit to previous branch
git holo project k8s-manifests --commit-to=k8s/manifests

GitHub Actions

A GitHub Actions workflow can be used to automatically maintain a projected holobranch based on some branch that contains a definition of it. Using the holobranch name k8s-manifests as this repository and the above example do, this workflow will project it to the k8s/manifests branch every time the main branch is pushed:

name: k8s manifests

    branches: [ main ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: 'Update holobranch: k8s/manifests'
      uses: JarvusInnovations/hologit@actions/projector/v1
        GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        HAB_LICENSE: accept
        holobranch: k8s-manifests
        commit-to: k8s/manifests