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themightychris edited this page Nov 3, 2012 · 5 revisions

This package uses to push a configured list of file trees into a remote git repository

Step 1) Define repository in /php-config/Git.config.php:

Git::$repositories['MyRepo'] = array(
	'remote' => ''
	,'originBranch' => 'master'
	,'workingBranch' => 'jarvus-team'
	,'trees' => array(
		'sencha-build/EmergenceEditor/production' => 'build'

Step 2) Generate ssh key for github

Step 3) Add key as a deploy key for remote repository

Step 4) Visit /git/init?repo=MyRepo, paste private key and submit

Step 5) Ready your site or make changes

Step 6) Visit /git/commit?repo=CKMobile, write commit message and paste.

The commit wil be pushed to remote immediately.