The port version of BukkitEssentials for PocketMine-MP servers.
Law Things: This software is under LGPL Licence. Do not distribute it without permission. No comercial use of this software. If you disobey the rules above, you may recieve a law suit.
Change Log:
- 3.6.1 Beta ( 2013/12/21 )
- Added BlockDisguise permissions for each block ID ("pmess.disguisecraft.block" for all blocks) ("pmess.disguisecraft.block.[ID]" for only a specfied block) (For example, "pmess.disguisecraft.block.20" is only for glass block)
- Added(Fixed) Signs and Bucket protection for Area Protect Module
- Fixed the Redstone Command Sign permission detection bug
- 3.6.0 Beta ( 2013/12/19 )
- Fixed the iControlU bug
- Added Disguise as a Primed TNT
- Added Disguise as a Moveable Block
- Rewrote the DisguiseCraft code structure
- 3.5.7 Alpha ( 2013/12/18 )
- Fixed Portal to World errors and bugs.
- Fixed the Undefined variable "isVanished" error bug randomly.
- 3.5.6 Alpha ( 2013/12/18 )
- Added Colorful Chat support. ( Use $X, which X is color code, the same as PC color code. ) ( Currently only work on console. )
- Fixed username bug when disguising as a player
- Fixed loading external plugins depends on PMEss
- 3.5.5 Alpha ( 2013/12/17 )
- Supported PocketMine-MP Alpha_1.3.11dev ( MCPE 0.8.0 )
- Added PowerTool ( /pt ), touch a block by holding a specified item to run a command.
- Fixed bugs when disabled GroupManager.
- Supported PocketMine-MP Alpha_1.3.11dev ( MCPE 0.8.0 )
- 3.5.4 Alpha ( 2013/12/6 )
- Fixed some errors when doing something(chat, command, break/place block, etc. ).
- 3.5.3 Beta ( 2013/11/25 )
- Added a config for GroupManger to disable it.
- Fixed server crash when disguising as a mob.
- Fixed chat username doesn't change when disguising as a player.
- 3.5.2 Beta ( 2013/11/24 )
- Added a loader to load all things in correct order
- 3.5.1 Beta ( 2013/11/24 )
- (Security) Fixed GroupManager Command Permission Check Bug
- GroupManager no longer support OP-Override
- That means OP system won't work, and you need to add commands to your group to make it usable for your group.
- Check this link for preset configs:
- 3.5.0 Beta ( 2013/11/24 )
- No longer require SRC modify!
- Added Session Systems (With an API)
- Server creates a session with player's CID when he/she joins.
- Server destory a session when player disconnect.
- Support default value
- 3.4.1 Beta ( 2013/11/2 )
- Fixed the Rank Time Limit from GroupManager
- Added a new event: player.afteerjoin
- Added AutoInstaller for Windows OS
- 3.4.0 Beta ( 2013/11/1 )
- Added Time Limit for GroupManager You may do "/manuadd [Days] [ExpireGroup]" (If you don't input [Days] and [ExpireGroup] it will be a life-time rank)
- Added event: pmess.groupmanager.rankexpire (See Tutorial_Events.txt)
- 3.3.3 Alpha (2013/10/30)
- Made $API->console->run(); more secure
- 3.3.2 Alpha ( 2013/10/23 )
- Fixed /unlock command in ChestLock
- 3.3.1 Alpha ( 2013/10/20 )
- Fixed the iControlU Console Spam/Crash bug
- 3.3.0 Alpha ( 2013/10/20 )
- Added NoFloatingTrees ( To fix the Tree Drop Bug )
- Fixed PocketMine-MP Tree Drop Bug ( Now you can get all drops )
- Fixed Unusual Username Crash server bug
- 3.2.0 Alpha ( 2013/10/16 )
- Added Mute Commands ( /mute and /unmute )
- Released Alpha Version ( Stable Version )
- 3.1.2 Beta ( 2013/10/15 )
- Fixed iControlU Uncontrollable PermissionNode
- Fixed iControlU Server lag and make it more exciting and amazing!
- Notice: OP have all PermissionNodes if OP-Override set to true!
- 3.1.1 Beta ( 2013/10/15 )
- Fixed the login bug(/chat-on and /chat-off logic )
- 3.1.0 Beta ( 2013/10/13 )
- Added iControlU!
- Added 2 Built-In PermissionNodes( See ReadMe_PermissionNodes.txt )
- 3.0.0 Beta ( 2013/10/12 )
- Fixed GroupManager OP-Override, set to true to allow OP use any commands in the config
- Added PermissionNodes into GroupManager
- Changed the permission format for commands to "&.COMMAND", such as "&.kill"
- Added some built-in permission nodes for some plugins in the package( See ReadMe_PermissionNodes.txt )
- Old Version Configs are NOT compatible anymore To fix configs, see "WARNING-Old_Version_Config_Incompatible.txt"
- 2.3.0 Beta ( 2013/10/11 )
- Added All Chat Disable ( /chat-on, /chat-off )
- Fixed the compatible problems between Chest Lock and Protect plugin
- Improved chat expirence ( Auto New-Line )
- 2.2.0 Beta ( 2013/10/10 )
- Added Chest Lock ( Stand on a chest and type /lock or /unlock )
- 2.1.4 Alpha ( 2013/10/9 )
- Fixed user can not completely leave a group(GroupManager)
- Improved the security of Redstone Command Signs (It will check permission before running the command)
- 2.1.3 Alpha ( 2013/10/8 )
- Some redstone updates, now it is running faster
- 2.1.2 Alpha ( 2013/10/6 )
- Fixed InfWorldAPI crash bug
- 2.1.1 Alpha ( 2013/10/5 )
- Pistons now will cause block updates(Sand and gravel will fall)
- 2.1.0 Beta ( 2013/10/2 )
- Added ExplosiveBlock to Redstone plugin
- 2.0.0 Beta ( 2013/10/1 )
- Added GroupManager system ( Support OP-OverRide Config )
- Added RedStone system
- Fixed some version bugs in plugin files
- 1.1.0 Alpha ( 2013/9/19 )
- Added Home Set commands. (/sethome, /home)
- Added Teleport Request commands. (/tpa, /tpaccept, /tpdeny)
- 1.0.0 Alpha ( 2013/9/18 )
- Fixed a lot of known bugs.
- 1.0.0 Beta ( 2013/9/14 )
- First Release