This Terraform module creates an AWS VPC with a given CIDR block. It also creates multiple subnets (public and private), and for public subnets, it sets up an Internet Gateway (IGW) and appropriate route tables.
- Creates a VPC with a specified CIDR block
- Creates public and private subnets
- Creates an Internet Gateway (IGW) for public subnets
- Sets up route tables for public subnets
module "vpc" {
source = "./module/vpc"
vpc_config = {
cidr_block = ""
name = "your_vpc_name"
subnet_config = {
public_subnet = {
cidr_block = ""
az = "eu-north-1a"
#To set the subnet as public, default is private
public = true
private_subnet = {
cidr_block = ""
az = "eu-north-1b"