A light package for compiling Sass and running a web dev server environment. The scss folder has some examples of the power of Sass. The kit includes the gulp toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow. A great way to quickly start a frontend project.
Clone the repository
$ npm install
To install the following dependencies gulp 4, gulp-sass, browser-sync & gulp-autoprefixer
$ npm start
This will monitor your Sass files and compile them into a CSS file. It will also launch the dev web server in your browser at the following url http://localhost:3000.
Alternatively you can independently run your own project
Create an empty directory and copy the
from this repo. -
$ cd
to the directory. -
Initialize you own project to create the package.json. In the terminal enter the following.
$ npm init -y
- The -y flag will let you use the defaults instead of asking questions about the new project.
Install the necessary dependencies
$ npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env autoprefixer babelify browser-sync browserify cssnano del gulp gulp-concat gulp-imagemin gulp-inject gulp-newer gulp-postcss gulp-rename gulp-sass gulp-sourcemaps gulp-uglify vinyl-buffer vinyl-source-stream
Initialize your repository
$ git init
$ gulp
And your all set with the starter pack.
- CSS3
- Sass
- Gulp
- Gulp Plugins and npm Packages:
- Gulp-Sass - compile sass to css
- Browsersync - live Reload and keep multiple browsers & devices in sync
- gulp-autoprefixer - add vendor prefixes to the CSS
- gulp-postcss - pipe CSS through several plugins, but parse CSS only once
- cssnano - minify the CSS
- del - deletes all files
- gulp-rename - simple file renaming
- gulp-sourcemaps - to tell which file and line in your original code a part of minified code comes from
- gulp-concat - concatenates multiple JS files into one file
- browserify - bundle modules into a single file (a bundle)
- babelify - babel browserify transform so that Browserify can use Babel to transform each file before bundling them up
- @babel/core - to use modern javascript in browsers we transpile the bundle into javascript understood by current and last-gen browsers
- @babel/preset-env - babel smart preset that allows you to use the latest JavaScript without needing to micromanage which syntax transforms. Without setting a target it will default to transforming ECMAScript 2015+ code
- vinyl-source-stream - convert the readable stream you get from browserify into a vinyl (Vinyl is a very simple metadata object that describes a file. A virtual file format) stream and turns bundle into something which gulp understands to be able to write it to a file
- vinyl-buffer - Convert streaming vinyl files to use buffers
- gulp-uglify - minify the JS
- gulp-imagemin - minify the Images
- gulp-newer - passes source files that are newer than corresponding destination
- gulp-inject - inject JS and CSS files into the HTML
- Gulp Plugins and npm Packages:
- Javascript
- Node.js
- Twitter – @seetechnologic
- GitHub - https://github.com/JavaVista/
- Personal Site - Resume
- LinkedIn - Javier Carrion
Distributed under the MIT License.