Windows Utility Program
You should download only the .bat version so you can check the code if you want. It's also more friendly with antivirus.
Deberias descargar solo las versiones .bat y asi puedes revisar el codigo si lo necesitas. Tambien asi es mas amigable con el antivirus.
To know more about WUP read releases description
Para saber mas del WUP lee las descripciones de las distintas versiones
Nota: cuando creé el repositorio no sabia usar GitHub, asi que la version que aparece en esta pagina esta desactualizada (es la primera que hice). Para descargar la ultima tienes que ir a "releases"
Note: when I created this repository I didn't know how to use GitHub so the version that you can see on this screen is outdated (it is the first version). To download the latest version you should go to "releases"
Also, I'm not the author of windows and office activators: @massgravel is