Version 1.2
I have separated the project into two different brances: vortex1 (the default) will have non-API breaking changes, while vortex2 will use a different API and much improved features. This release contains the last commmits I added to Vortex1, which do not add any big new features, but a few fixes and small improvements:
- Added fog support through the Viewer_SetFog function.
- Improved font spacing.
- Changed fonttool to export glyph data as properties in XML file (reduces file size of generated fonts).
- Export_shaders (the tool that generates the shader code constants from the glsl files) has been ported from BlitzMax to Monkey.
- Updated structure so a mesh has a linear array of bones instead of a tree (does not need recursion to iterate through all bones).
- Bone's default matrix has been renamed to pose matrix, and defines a global transform (relative to model matrix, not to parent's pose matrix)
- Bone's current matrix has been renamed to anim matrix, and contains a global transform to animate the bone for some specific frame.
- The bone's anim matrix has been moved to the Drawable class, which contains an array of matrices, one for each bone in its mesh.
- To animate a drawable, before calling Drawable_Draw, you must call Drawable_Animate now.
I am not attaching binary files this time, so you'll have to build yourself. The meshtool has not been updated, so the binary from version 1.1 will work, but fonttool has been updated, so you will need to build it (on Windows, you should install a recent version of the compiler TDM-GCC).