Life Invader (name from GTA V's parody social network) is a Facebook clone made in Ruby on Rails
Some of its features are:
- Sign up new users (Devise)
- Facebook sing up and log in (OAUTH)
- Send confirmation email (action required)
- Make new posts, allow images
- Make comments
- Update profile picture
- Send friend requests, accept and decline them
- Fully functional friends search
- Responsive design
- Tests
- Bullet optimized Active Record queries
The database is postgreSQL for development and production.
postgreSQL is required, the easiest way is to run it through docker:
docker run --name postgres-container -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
Using your PG user in Rails:
Set your pg username (by default postgres) in config/database.yml
Set your pg password (by default password) as ENV variable in config/application.yml
(you will need to create that file, used by Figaro).
PG_PASSWORD: password
Setting up the Rails app:
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails server
http://localhost:3000/ in your web browser
The seeds include 3 users but they must be confirmed first, either from the links in the emails from letter_opener that will pop up in your browser after db:seed
or from the Rails console:
rails console
- PW: 123456
- PW: 123456
- PW: 123456
To run the tests
rails test