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  • The IP Address Tracker one user can log in using his/her mobile number and OTP(Passwordless, thanks to SAWO for such an amazing passwordless SDK).
  • On successful login user can see his/her own IP address with timezone, and ISP details with live location on the map.
  • User can also search for IP address and domain in the search box as well.

The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Login using SAWO sdk (the passwordless way)
  • View the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • See their own IP address on the map on the initial page load
  • Search for any IP addresses or domains and see the key information and location
  • User can also redirect if he/she does not log out from the webapp.
  • Route-specific login. (Non-authenticated users can not search for IP address or domain).



My process

Built with

Development Setup

  • Make sure you have Prettier and Eslint exntension installed on your editor.

  • Install all the required node_modules

    npm i or yarn
  • First go to Ipify create an account for free and copy the API key.

  • Then go to SAWO register for an account by creating a new project host named as localhost and copy the SAWO API KEY.

  • Create a file in the root of the project directory. Then add

REACT_APP_IP_GEO_API=***your geo api key***
REACT_APP_SAWO_API_KEY=***your dev-project sawo api***

  • Run the development server by
npm run start:dev or yarn start:dev

Production Setup

  • Then go to SAWO register for an account by creating a new project host named as your deploy hostname and copy the SAWO API KEY.

  • Create a file in the root of the project directory. Then add

REACT_APP_ENV = "prod"
REACT_APP_IP_GEO_API=***your geo api key***
REACT_APP_SAWO_API_KEY=***your prod-project sawo api***

  • Build the project by
    npm run build or yarn build
  • Then host your project as your wish.