For other files and projects that don't belong elsewhere
- MachineLearningMOOC: My solutions (in Python, R, and Julia) to the exercises for Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course on Coursera
- Note: The remainder of Julia exercises will be added after finishing the course in Python and R
- Ex1. Linear Regression: Python | R | Julia
- Ex2. Logistic Regression: Python | R | Julia
- Ex3. Multi-class Classification and Neural Networks: Python | R | Julia (in progress)
- Ex4. Neural Networks Learning: Python | R
- Ex5. Regularization and Bias vs. Variance: Python | R
- Ex6. Support Vector Machines: Python | R
- Ex7. k-means Clustering and Principal Component Analysis: Python | R
- Ex8. Anomaly Detection and Recommender Systems: Python | R
Cognitive Services API Examples.ipynb: A Jupyter notebook containing examples of the Microsoft Cognitive Service APIs in Python.
R Crash Course.rmd: An R markdown file containing a basic overview on common R functionality for beginners.
- A data processing script that combines the contents of multiple files with the same name contained within subdirectories. This was created for use on the SSURGO database, but can be expanded for other purposes.
- A data processing script that formats raw text files from weather normals into data frames and combines multiple attributes. This was created for use on a dataset of weather normals provided by NOAA.