This is an event generator for polarized semi-inclusive deep inelastic
scattering (SIDIS) with QED radiative corrections, following closely work done
in [1]. The project is divided into a library component sidis
for calculating
SIDIS cross-sections, and a binary component sidisgen
for generating events.
A detailed description of the generator can be found on the arxiv.
The sidisgen
generator uses a parameter file. The allowed options are listed
by sidisgen --help
. As an example:
mc.num_events 10000
file.gen gen.root
file.event event.root
phys.sf_set prokudin
phys.rc_method approx
phys.soft_threshold 0.01
phys.mass_threshold 1.073249081
setup.beam e p
setup.hadron pi+
setup.beam_energy 10.6
setup.beam_pol 0
setup.target_pol 0 0 0
Then, initialize a FOAM to approximate the differential cross-section in the specified kinematic region.
sidisgen --initialize <param-file>
Finally, use the FOAM for Monte-Carlo event generation.
sidisgen --generate <param-file>
To process the resulting ROOT file, see examples/process_events.cpp
Many demonstrations of the different features of the sidis
library can be
found in the examples
folder. To get started quickly:
#include <iostream>
#include <sidis/sidis.hpp>
#include <sidis/sf_set/prokudin.hpp>
sidis::Real const PI = sidis::PI;
sidis::Real const M_TH = sidis::MASS_P + sidis::MASS_PI_0;
int main() {
sidis::part::Particles particles(
sidis::part::Nucleus::P, // Target nucleus.
sidis::part::Lepton::E, // Beam lepton.
sidis::part::Hadron::PI_P, // Leading hadron.
M_TH // Threshold mass of undetected part.
sidis::Real S = 2. * 10.6 * particles.M; // Kinematic variable `S = 2 p k1`.
sidis::kin::PhaseSpace phase_space {
0.2, // Bjorken x.
0.9, // Bjorken y.
0.3, // Bjorken z.
2., // Transverse momentum of hadron, squared.
0.5 * PI, // Azimuthal angle of hadron.
0., // Azimuthal angle of transverse target polarization.
sidis::kin::Kinematics kin(particles, S, phase_space);
sidis::Real beam_pol = 0.;
sidis::math::Vec3 target_pol(0., 0., 0.);
// Compute structure functions with WW-type approximation.
sidis::sf::set::ProkudinSfSet sf;
sidis::Real born_xs = sidis::xs::born(kin, sf, beam_pol, target_pol);
std::cout << "Born unpolarized cross-section is " << born_xs << std::endl;
return 0;
For building the generator, ROOT must be installed on your system. For building the documentation, Doxygen must be installed. For building the tests, Catch2 must be installed.
# Clone the project including submodules.
git clone
cd sidis
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Make a build directory.
mkdir build
cd build
# Configure the build.
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
# Build.
# Optionally install the library and binary files to your system. Use
# `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` during the configure to choose the install location.
make install
The following CMake configuration options may be of use:
: The floating point type to use for all cross-section calculations. Only the standard C++ floating point typesfloat
, andlong double
are supported.Sidis_BUILD_TESTS
: Whether to build the tests.Sidis_BUILD_EXAMPLES
: Whether to build the examples.Sidis_BUILD_DOXYGEN
: Whether to build the Doxygen documentation.Sidis_BUILD_APPS
: Whether to build thesidisgen
: Whether to build with interprocedural optimization.
This software makes use of the following libraries:
- WW-SIDIS: Structure functions for proton using WW-type approximation [2].
- mstwpdf: Parton distribution functions for proton [3].
- ROOT: Plotting and data analysis.
- FOAM: Monte-Carlo event generation using spatial partitioning.
- cubature: Multi-dimensional numerical integration.
- GSL: Multi-dimensional Monte-Carlo integration.
[1] I. Akushevich and A. Ilyichev, 2019. Lowest order QED radiative effects in polarized SIDIS. Phys. Rev. D 100(3), 033005.
[2] S. Bastami, H. Avakian, A. V. Efremov, A. Kotzinian, B. U. Musch, B. Parsamyan, A. Prokudin, M. Schlegel, P. Schweitzer. Semi-inclusive deep- inelastic scattering in Wandzura-Wilczek-type approximation. J. High Energy Phys. 1906(2019), 007.
[3] A. D. Martin, W. J. Stirling, R. S. Thorne, G. Watt. Parton distributions for the LHC. Eur. Phys. J. C. 63(2009), 189-285.