Filter Paginated Indexes using the CakePHP Filter Plugin
This plugin is a fork of Jose Gonzalez's Filter component(, which is something of a fork of James Fairhurst's Filter Component (, which is in turn a fork by Maciej Grajcarek ( which is ITSELF a fork from Nik Chankov's code at .
That's a lot of forks...
This also contains a view helper made by 'mcurry' (
This also uses a behavior adapted from work by 'Brenton' ( to allow for HasAndBelongsToMany and HasMany relationships.
This works for all relationships.
- Clone from github : in your plugin directory type
git clone git://
- Add as a git submodule : in your plugin directory type
git submodule add git://
- Download an archive from github and extract it in
- Include the component in your controller (AppController or otherwise) var $components = array('Filter.Filter');
- Use something like the following in your index function index() { $filterOptions = $this->Filter->filterOptions; $posts = $this->paginate(null, $this->Filter->filter); $this->set(compact('filterOptions', 'posts')); }
- Setup your view correctly:
-Option 1: Helper
Use the helper In between the row with all the column headers and the first row of data add:
form('Post', array('name')) ?>
The first parameter is the model name.
The second parameter is an array of fields.
If you don't want to filter a particular field pass null in that spot.
-Option 2: Manually create('Post', array('action' => 'index', 'id' => 'filters')); ?>
// loop through and display your datasort('Name', 'name', $filter_options);?> | Actions |
input('name'); ?> | Filter Reset |
- Add Behavior to model (only necessary for HABTM and HasMany): var $actsAs = 'Filter';
At this point, everything should theoretically work.
For action(s) other than index, add a line to the controller such as this: $this->Filter->initialize($this, array('actions' => 'admin_index'));
To set it up for redirecting to the url with filters in it (which defaults to off), add a line to the controller such as this: $this->Filter->initialize($this, array('redirect' => true));
To set it up to include time in the filter, add a line to the controller such as this: $this->Filter->initialize($this, array('useTime' => true));
These different initialize options can be combined in the array.
- Better code commenting - Done, left to help enforce the habit
- Support Datetime - Mostly Done
- Support URL redirects and parsing - Mostly Done
- Refactor datetime filtering for ranges
- Allow the action to be configurable
- Support jQuery Datepicker