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@coderwall-charity @dotnet-foundation

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HI, I'm Jeremy Morgan. Geek, Teacher, and Lifelong Learner👋


I love coding and sharing what I learn, as I learn it.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on building content to teach coding
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Computer Vision, AI, and advanced Go
  • 💬 Ask me about anything I've built here and how I can help you

I'm working on a few small projects, nothing big. I generally use this to store code from my tutorials, courses, YouTube videos etc.

Connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn for realtime updates on my wacky projects.

For My personal stream I've been building lots of Python and Computer Vision projects.

I'm a huge fan of Hugo and I'm finding new ways to modify and bend it every day for my Programming Blog

You can catch my live streams here or check out my YouTube Channel

Top Langs Jeremy's GitHub stats

💻 Technology 🚀 Projects
Python sitemaptopdf Word-to-Markdown-Python MassVideoTranscriber PowerPointNotesTool HAM-Radio-Practice-Web IndexNowSubmitter Python-Tutorials-Flask-Web-App Matplotlib-benchmark-viewer Raspberry_Pi_Weather_Station CPUMeminfo Hot-Car-Test Hands_on_Internet_of_Things Raspberry_Pi_Weather_Station_PY_API Raspberry-Pi-LED-Demo Raspberry_Pi_Temperature Twitter-Tools opencv-demos markdownsmash
OpenCV opencv-demos OpenCV-Erosion-Demo OpenCV-Dilation-Demo OpenCV-Simple-Thresholding-Demo OpenCV_Compress_Image_Tutorial
Golang PersonWeb GoSqliteDemo HotCarAPI HotCar GoZipCodeDigitalOcean ZipCodeLookupGo Compare-Strings-Go ReadTextFileGo GoTempSensor FindTheBadGuys turkeytime-golang FindTheBadGuys RandomTestPage golang-API-Test
JavaScript ToadallyAwesome Angular-Kickstart Rowena-Fire-Realtime bryant-fire-realtime two-bulls-realtime seotools Raspberry_Pi_Weather_Station_WebUI Bird-Strike
.NET QRCode-Generator-Azure-Function BlazorFaceRec Employees-Demo AzureFunctions_Blazor TruckGameDemo ZipToCityAzureFunction TurkeyTimeAPI Hands-on-dotnet-core fake-dotnetcore-api cmd-webpage-speed-tester Dapper-Demo-ConsoleApp Raspberry_Pi_Weather_Station_API Raspberry_Pi_Temperature_API ipcountrycode Simple-ASP-WebAPI-Example

Pinned Loading

  1. Raspberry_Pi_Weather_Station Raspberry_Pi_Weather_Station Public

    Raspberry Pi Mini Weather Station

    Python 47 12

  2. The most important code I've ever wr... The most important code I've ever written
    package main
    import (
  3. GoSqliteDemo GoSqliteDemo Public

    Go SQLite Demo

    Go 27 7

  4. BlazorFaceRec BlazorFaceRec Public

    Blazor Face Recognition Application

    HTML 7 3

  5. ToadallyAwesome ToadallyAwesome Public

    A game involving a ninja frog.

    JavaScript 3 2

  6. opencv-demos opencv-demos Public

    OpenCV demos from my live stream
