1. Description
2. Installation
3. App Usage
4. License Details
5. List of Contributors
6. Tests
7. Future Developments
8. Questions
MERN stack mobile-first web application to help user's track their cigarette smoking frequency and help them on their journey to quitting for good. Users can log in and set their daily limit of cigarettes they will be able to smoke. The user's dashboard has a button that the user can press when they have a cigarette which provides visual feedback and updates the remaining cigarettes they have left for that day. Users can also save notes that they can refer back too later on to keep track of their progress.
Within the Terminal type "npm i" or "npm install" to install dependencies to run application on your local machine using Node.
to run the application locally type "npm run start" into your Terminal. Alternatively a live deployed version of the application can be accessed here: https://enigmatic-depths-23820.herokuapp.com/
The MIT License is a free software license that was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is a permissive license, meaning that it allows programmers to put the code in proprietary software on the condition that the license is given with that software, and GPL-compatible, meaning that the GPL permits programmers to combine and redistribute it with software that uses the MIT License.
- In built Calendar scheduler for users to set goal dates (eg. will be smoke free)
- Send Calendar reminder/events to external calendar applications such as Google and iCal.
- Track user's unique day to day metrics to further present user's progress in an intuitive visual manner (eg. Graphs)
Here is a link to my github:
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for additional questions