More to be added later
Parts 中文版本
Seeeduino XIAO BLE (Sense)
BLE would be enough for the basic project, but Sense comes with more sensors which may be useful if we want to build extensions.
Battery Housing
Seeeduino XIAO requires 5V power supply to work properly
KY-040-like Rotary Encoder
The program is designed to work with encoders that have a CLK (clock) pin, a DT (data) pin, and a SW (switch) pin. The CLK and DT signals are 90 degree out of phase when operating.
Seeeduino XIAO BLE (Sense) has built in support for UART/I2C/SPI, so any display module supporting those protocols would technically work. But do note that Seeeduino XIAO only has 11 digital pins.
MAX6817 (switch debouncer, optional)
Software debouncing is already pretty good. Although a hardware debouncer would simplify the software control logic, it wouldn't have much effect on the performance.
Arduino Nano + HM10
Can be replaced by another Seeeduino XIAO BLE. Sensor is useless on the receiver side. HM10 can be replaced by other similar BLE-UART module (HM-05 and 06 are classic Bluetooth modules so they may not work).
IRL540 (logic level MOSFET, need one for each control line)
This component allows us to control the power line (on/off) with a 5V signal, so we need one for each control line. Similar MOSFETs like IRL530 and IRL520 would also work. If none of these are available, IRF540/530/520 could be used, but the performance may not be ideal.
Power Supply & Regulator
The LED runs on 24V and the Arduino Nano runs on 5V (if using the 5V pin) or 7 - 12V (if using the VIN pin)
It never hurts to be careful
Resistors, capacitors, wires, pin headers, and other commonly used components
Seeeduino XIAO BLE (Sense)
BLE(没有Sense)版本要实现基础功能已经足够了。Sense 版本多了不少内置传感器,如果 之后想在这个项目之上做拓展的话可能会有用。
Seeeduino XIAO需要5V供电。
这个项目目前的软件针对的是三个针脚的旋转编码器(CLK,DT,SW)。其中CLK和DT在工作 时会有90°的相位差,用于读取旋转的方向和速度。SW则对应的是旋钮是否被按下。
Seeeduino XIAO BLE (Sense) 自带 UART/I2C/SPI 支持, 所以使用这些协议的显示器理论上都能用。 建议选择耗电量小的屏幕。另外 Seeeduino XIAO 只有11个数字针脚,假如之后要拓展这个项目的话 最好把针脚用量也纳入考虑。
MAX6817 (switch debouncer, 可选)
Software debouncing is already pretty good. Although a hardware debouncer would simplify the software control logic, it wouldn't have much effect on the performance.
(我不知道这段该怎么翻译)简单来说机械开关(编码器同理)在状态变换的时候会出现信号不稳定 的情况,导致软件部分的逻辑判断出现错误。我现在已经在用的软件解决方案效果不错。也可以使用硬件 方案来替代。虽然能够简化控制逻辑但我不认为会对实际表现有什么影响。
Arduino Nano + HM10
也可以用第二个 Seeeduino XIAO BLE. HM10 可以用其他类似的 BLE-UART 模块代替 (HM-05 和 06 是传统蓝牙,应该不能用).
IRL540 (logic level MOSFET, 每条控制线需要一个)
相当于是5V控制的电控开关。在项目中我们会借由这个原件来使用PWM控制LED亮度 其他类似的 MOSFET 比如 IRL530,IRL520 也行。实在没有的话可以用 IRF540/530/520 来替代,不过IRF系列未必能达到我们的理想效果。