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mqtt agent was created to remotely control or get information from computers through the MQTT protocol, using a plugin architecture, which will allow any user to create plugins for the system.


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The program plugin-architecture was created to retrieve information from computers via mqtt

The program has been tested on ubuntu 20.04 and the lastest Linux Mint as of 03/17/2021 Windows version

The program comes with free to use plugins

  • report_plugin (reports your system information back to you)
  • hostname_plugin (allows you to change your hostname)
  • ping_plugin (lets you ping a specific IP address)
  • traceroute_plugin (Enjoy traceroute to a website or IP address, in order to use this plugin you need to install traceroute on your computer sudo apt install traceroute.
  • reboot_plugin (Remotely reboot your system)
  • shutdown_plugin (Or shut it down completely)
  • list_plugin (this plugin lists all available computers connected to the broker, when used, all computers return their hostname and ip address) - workstation/list/
With this information, coupled with good management software such as mqtt explorer the possibilities are endless
  • image


  • Ensure the mqtt broker, and pip3 is installed before proceeding with these tasks

  • Create a folder in your Documents folder (or wherever) and pull the repo into that folder then cd into it
  • Install any requirements from the requirements.txt file pip3 install -r requirements.txt(My current version of pip is 20.0.2)
  • Open the config file setup.config and edit the broker IP address and file path to save the logs
  • You can run it in two ways, firstly, you can type in the terminal ./ and run it like that, or
  • You could run it as a service, to do this i made a .service file with basic configurations called mqtta.service.
  • Open the service file and edit it to your environment with sudo nano mqtta.service, note: User= should be your current user. i.e User=username
  • Save the service file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory
  • Then run this command systemctl start mqtta.service
  • Refresh daemon with systemctl daemon-reload
  • If you would like the service to start on boot run this command after the above command, systemctl enable mqtta.service
  • Restart the service with, systemctl restart mqtta.service then check the status, systemctl status mqtta.service

After everything is set and configured, let's test it

  • open a terminal and type in mosquitto_sub -h -t "#"

    • (-h) this indicates which host we are connecting to
    • (-t) this is the topic we are subscribing to, and # = hash means everything, so we will receive any message that comes through
  • 3 parameters exist, (n = notice, r = read, w = write)

  • open another terminal and type mosquitto_pub -h -t "workstation/your-hostname/parameter/report/ -m ""

    • expected output:

      • image
    • If you want this to work the IP needs to be your own, or another IP on the same network connected to the mqtt broker

    • (-m) this indicates the message you want to send to that particular topic, some plugins do not need a message as the report_plugin

  • Here is another example mosquitto_pub -h -t "workstation/hostname-or-ip/r/ping/ -m " 10 0.2"

    • Note the -m (message). IP {space} Count {space} Interval
      • image


mqtt agent was created to remotely control or get information from computers through the MQTT protocol, using a plugin architecture, which will allow any user to create plugins for the system.





