RMarkdown file with output in ioslides as presented for satRdays DC 2020.
For ease of viewing, .pdf and .pptx files are also provided.
For those who want to try running the code, .rds files are provided for everything except the shape data for the map; the file is too large for GitHub. That data was obtained from the US Census but the original link is no longer functional; the 'Shapefile Zip File' (tl_2019_us_zcta510.zip) provided on this site likely contains the same files, but the .zip download was not completing properly for me on 3/28/2020 so I was unable to verfify: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/tiger-line-shapefile-2019-2010-nation-u-s-2010-census-5-digit-zip-code-tabulation-area-zcta5-na
^ As an alternative, the original shape files I downloaded are also available here on my Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1v1dH4p_93VrOo8pGj2MZukbxdRK5hRDA?usp=sharing Download the entire folder (referenced in line 95 of code with readOGR