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%                         PRoNTO v2.0 -
% Copyright (C) 2011 Machine Learning & Neuroimaging Laboratory
% This README gives a brief introduction to the PRoNTo software.
% Full details can be found on the PRoNTo website:
% See also prt_Contents.m and
%                                                                   PRoNTo
% PRoNTo (Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging Toolbox) is a software toolbox 
% based on pattern recognition techniques for the analysis of neuroimaging 
% data. Statistical pattern recognition is a field within the area of machine 
% learning which is concerned with automatic discovery of regularities in 
% data through the use of computer algorithms, and with the use of these 
% regularities to take actions such as classifying the data into different 
% categories. In PRoNTo, brain scans are treated as spatial patterns and 
% statistical learning models are used to identify statistical properties of 
% the data that can be used to discriminate between experimental conditions 
% or groups of subjects (classification models) or to predict a continuous 
% measure (regression models).
% PRoNTo aims to facilitate the interaction between machine learning and 
% neuroimaging communities. On one hand, the machine learning community can 
% contribute to the toolbox with novel machine learning models. On the other 
% hand, the toolbox provides a variety of tools for the neuroscience and 
% clinical neuroscience communities, enabling them to ask new questions that 
% cannot be easily investigated using existing software and analysis tools.
%                               ----------------
% Please refer to this version as "PRoNTo2" in papers and communications.