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Ben Gruver edited this page Oct 3, 2016 · 3 revisions

smali/baksmali 2.2

smali and baksmali now have a new CLI as of the 2.2 release

baksmali disassemble app.apk -o app
smali assemble app -o classes.dex

To get started, try baksmali help or smali help

A few things to note

  • You can specify individual entries in an apk or oat file as if the apk or oat was a directory. e.g. baksmali disassemble app.apk/classes2.dex. See baksmali help input for more information.
  • The options for specifying a bootclasspath/classpath when deodexing have changed a bit. For deodexing oat files, it works something like this: adb pull /system/framework framework && baksmali deodex app.odex -b framework/arm/boot.oat
  • baksmali now has a set of commands for listing various information from a dex/apk/oat file. e.g.
    • baksmali list dex boot.oat to list all the dex entries in an oat file (works with apks too)
    • baksmali list classes app.apk to list all classes in an apk/dex/etc.
    • baksmali list methods app.apk | wc -l to get a count of the number of methods currently used by the dex file
  • v2.2 supports deodexing oat files from Nougat, and includes a number of bugfixes for Marshmallow as well
  • There were a few breaking API changes in dexlib2, etc. So if you plan to upgrade your tool to dexlib2 v2.2, you can expect that you'll need to fix a few things.
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