Kotlin 1.9.20-Beta
279 commits
to 1.9.20
since this release
Analysis API
New Features
Analysis API: Add source shadowing feature to resolve extensions
Performance Improvements
LL FIR: Performance bottleneck inCompositeModificationTracker.getModificationCount
K2: optimize FirElementBuilder.getOrBuildFir for elements outside bodyKT-59454
K2: drop resolve from org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.components.KtFirVisibilityChecker#collectContainingDeclarationsKT-59453
K2: completion regression from org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.components.KtFirVisibilityChecker#collectContainingDeclarationsKT-59189
Analysis API: KtFirKDocReference.resolveToSymbols is slowKT-58125
K2: LL FIR:KtToFirMapping.getElement
is slow forKtUserType
s due to on-air resolution of types
K2: Analysis API: Reference shortener incorrectly handles types in vararg parameters declarationsKT-61026
K2 Scripts: FirLazyExpression should be calculated before accessing from on-air resolveKT-61009
K2 Scripts: KtFirExpressionTypeProvider: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSourceKT-60357
K2 IDE. Reified types parameters are not resolved in a function bodyKT-60954
K2: Analysis API: Reference shortener does not work correctly with variable assignmentsKT-60317
K2 IDE. IAE "This method will only work on compiled declarations, but this declaration is not compiled" on invoking Find Usages for enum method in libraryKT-60728
K2: proper support for scripts in LL FIR transformersKT-60706
K2 IDE: FirJvmTypeMapper is not found for kotlin.kotlin-stdlib-commonKT-57743
K2 IDE: StackOverflowError from LLFirSessionCache for simple JPS project with cyclic dependenciesKT-60552
K2: merge StateKeeper and lazy body calculator for ANNOTATIONS_ARGUMENTS_MAPPING transformerKT-60641
Analysis API: Scope for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.impl.ConeClassLikeTypeImpl not found exception when stdlib is missingKT-60586
K2: forbid analyze from write actionKT-60638
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSourceKT-54846
Analysis API: add isExpect/isActual to KtSymbolKT-59077
KtFirExpressionTypeProvider behaviour for KtSimpleNameReferences in function callsKT-60448
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase COMPILER_REQUIRED_ANNOTATIONS from AllOpen pluginKT-59342
K2 IDE. FirLazyResolveContractViolationException:lazyResolveToPhase(TYPES)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase TYPESKT-59687
K2: Implement proper body update for in-block modificationsKT-60488
Analysis API: forbid providing custom KtLifetimeToken for every analyze callKT-59329
Resolve Extensions reference resolution breaks Find UsagesKT-60295
K2: move checkIsResolved for annotations from LLFirAnnotationArgumentsLazyResolver to LLFirTypeLazyResolverKT-59758
K2: Expected is FirResolvedTypeRef, but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource from ReturnTypeCalculatorWithJumpKT-60377
K2 IDE: This method will only work on compiled declarations, but this declaration is not compiledKT-59685
K2: rewrite on-air resolutionKT-59159
K2 IDE: declaration is not found exceptionKT-59297
K2: exception from body resolve leads to corrupted state and broken analysisKT-60132
K2: properties and functions without a name should be re-analyzable as wellKT-59199
K2 IDE: PSI changes which do not cause OOB modifications can be unseen from the FIR elementsKT-59667
Analysis API: PsiInvalidElementAccessException from JavaClassifierTypeImpl.substitutorKT-59705
KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: No fir element was found for getterKT-59697
AA standalone: JRT module paths are not properly populated in WindowsKT-59505
K2: implicit type lazy resolution doesn't work for delegated declaration from other moduleKT-56426
K2 IDE: Typealised functional types cannot be renderedKT-59598
AA: stackoverflow while simplifying a type with a recursive type parameterKT-58497
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for initializer type of FirPropertyImpl(Source) but FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource foundKT-59511
AA standalone mode creates Application Environment for testsKT-58161
Analysis API: Make methods inKtCallResolverMixIn
more distinctive based on their receiver/return typeKT-59093
Do not throw exception on KtCall resolution,KtCallElement.resolveCall
should returnnull
on unknown casesKT-59240
K2: FirLazyResolveContractViolationException:lazyResolveToPhase(IMPORTS)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase IMPORTS from superTypesKT-59243
K2: FirLazyResolveContractViolationException:lazyResolveToPhase(IMPORTS)
cannot be called from a transformer with a phase IMPORTS from permits typesKT-58194
K2: Low Level API: use smart pointers to store references to PSI from FIR declarations for JavaElementKT-59133
K2: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fir is not initialized for FirRegularClassSymbolKT-58174
K2: LL FIR: Invalid type reference for T & Any typeKT-52615
LL FIR: build RAW FIR only by stubsKT-55053
K2: Exception "lateinit property diagnostic has not been initialized" in FirBuilderKT-58580
K2: LL FIR: Declarations provided by resolve extensions from a dependency module are not visible throughLLFirCombinedKotlinSymbolProvider
Analysis API: move org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.fir.utils.addImportToFile out of Analysis APIKT-58727
K2: AA FIR: implicit type in delegated function treated as errorKT-58653
K2: Analysis API: add functions for KtScope members access by nameKT-57559
K2 IDE: KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Modules are inconsistent on intellij projectKT-58262
Analysis API: Declarations from Analysis API Resolve Extensions are not seen from completionKT-57455
LL FIR: CombineAbstractFirDeserializedSymbolProvider
s in session dependencies (optimization)KT-57207
LL FIR: CombineJavaSymbolProvider
s in session dependencies (optimization)KT-58546
K2: LL FIR: support name collision in a designation pathKT-58495
K2: Lazy calculation is redundantKT-58500
K2: null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.FirPureAbstractElementKT-58493
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef for default value type of FirValueParameterImpl(Source) but FirUserTypeRefImpl foundKT-58496
K2: Expected FirNamedReference, FirErrorNamedReference or FirFromMissingDependenciesNamedReference, but FirExplicitSuperReference foundKT-58499
K2: FirLazyBlock should be calculated before accessingKT-58491
K2: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef or FirImplicitTypeRef for return type of FirDefaultPropertyBackingField(Synthetic) but FirUserTypeRefImpl foundKT-56550
LL FIR: implement parallel resolve for non-jumping phasesKT-58503
Analysis API: KtFirNamedClassOrObjectSymbol.visibility/modality do not trigger STATUS resolveKT-57623
K2 IDE: ConcurrentModificationException from getSuperConeTypesKT-57966
K2: Analysis API: Reference Shortener does not work correctly when called on entire fileKT-58083
K2: LL FIR: implement FakeOverrideTypeCalculator
Android lint tasks fails in Gradle with MPP dependency
Backend. Native. Debug
Virtual functions trampolines have invalid debug info
Backend. Wasm
K/Wasm: Make Arrays' constructors with size and lambda inline (similar to other implementations)KT-58993
[K/Wasm] Fix w3c declarations with lambda parametersKT-60496
Compose-web Wasm crashes on remember { null } callsKT-60113
K/Wasm: illegal cast when using 1.9.20-devKT-60835
K/Wasm: fix compatibility with Node.js 20.*KT-59722
K/Wasm: Support new encoding with flags for br_on_cast and br_on_cast_fail instructionsKT-59713
K/Wasm: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-59082
WASM: NullPointerException caused by companion with String type constantsKT-58941
WASM Hang with extension delegate inside a ClassKT-59294
WASM: localStorage Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')KT-60200
K/Wasm: generate types without supertypes properlyKT-52178
IR dump doesn't seem to work for Kotlin/WASM phasesKT-59556
Wasm: critical dependency when using with webpackKT-58681
K/Wasm: division remainder has a wrong signKT-56711
Wasm: IllegalStateException caused by dynamic type
New Features
KMP: prohibit implicit actualization via JavaKT-58536
KMP: prohibitexpect tailrec
/expect external
KMP: restrict expect opt-in annotations and actual typealiases to annotations with special meaningKT-58551
KMP: check all annotation from expect declaration are present on actualKT-59764
Make a frontend checker that reports cast to forward declaration as uncheckedKT-60528
Updates for JVM/IR backend of kotlin-atomicfu-compiler-pluginKT-59558
Add support for creating annotation instances with type parametersKT-52367
Devirtualization algorithm improvementKT-58652
Native: Implement frontend checkers for HiddenFromObjC on classes
Performance Improvements
K2: CFG: do not add edges to nested classes and functionsKT-57860
K/N: Functions with default arguments of value/inline class types have poor performance due to value class boxing
KMP: prohibit problematic actual typealiasesKT-58757
K2: False-positive NON_PUBLIC_CALL_FROM_PUBLIC_INLINE error in case an inline fun is protected and is a part of an internal abstract class declarationKT-59736
kotlinx.serialization + K2 + JS: e: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Symbol for kotlinx.serialization.json.internal/FormatLanguage.|-547215418288530576[1] is unboundKT-59071
K2/MPP: internal declarations from common module are invisible in dependent source sets if there is more that one intermediate source set betweenKT-61270
Enabling Kotlin/Native caching causes 65K warnings from dsymutil when building Compose iOS appKT-57845
K2. Unresolved reference error on calling Java references with fully qualified nameKT-59408
Embedding kotlin-compiler-embeddable into a Java EE App leads to CDI related deployment errorKT-57329
K/N IR linkage issues due to the combination of static caches w/ Lazy IR & Compose compiler pluginKT-60531
K2/JS: Report diagnostics before running FIR2IRKT-59665
ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS isn't reported for actual typealias and fake-override actualizationKT-59465
K2: build kotlinx-datetimeKT-61461
K2: Kotlin native metadata compilation breaks when stdlib is present in -librariesKT-59247
Kapt+JVM_IR: AssertionError on anonymous object in enum super constructor callKT-58576
K2: IR actualization problems in MPP scenarioKT-61442
K2: Consider stricter filtering on implicit integer coercionKT-61441
K2: Wrong overload is chosen with ImplicitIntegerCoercion enabledKT-59466
K2: build kotlinx-benchmarkKT-61159
K2: OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY between private top-level property in same file and top-level property in different moduleKT-56077
K2: build kotlinx.atomicfuKT-57963
K2: MPP: Annotation calls should be actualizedKT-61418
k2: ImplicitIntegerCoercion to List leads to "IllegalStateException: Cannot find cached type parameter by FIR symbol"KT-58884
K2: NotAMockException for mock testing with lambda expression with MavenKT-58893
K2: MockitoException for mock testing with lambda expression with GradleKT-59483
K2: Build a Native appKT-47702
Support call of Java annotation constructor without specifying a default valueKT-60862
Kotlin Scripting: NoSuchMethodError for ExternalDependenciesResolver.addRepositoryKT-58229
K2/MPP/JVM: compiler codegen crash on call of inherited generic class's method with actual-typealias as value parameterKT-55196
K2: False-negative CONST_VAL_WITH_NON_CONST_INITIALIZER on boolean .not() callKT-57738
K2: unresolved class fields and methods in kotlin scriptsKT-59449
K2: Diagnostic messages contain debugging-style rendered FIRKT-59849
K2: IllegalArgumentException: List has more than one elementKT-57553
Implement deprecation for open val with backing field and deferred initialization in K1KT-60830
KMP, K2: expect actual annotation IR checker doesn't unwrap actual typealiases to annotationsKT-57230
Support Kotlin/Wasm in the K2 platformKT-61029
K2: Duplicates when processing direct overridden callablesKT-61095
K2: "IAE: source must not be null" from FirMultipleDefaultsInheritedFromSupertypesCheckerKT-59409
[atomicfu-K/N]: turn on the tests for the K/N part of the compiler pluginKT-59058
Companion object is not initialized on class constructor callKT-61163
Default params on actual check and inheritance by delegation compilation errorKT-61017
K2: intermediate expect/actual class results in expected class has no actual declaration in moduleKT-60181
K2: "NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented" with SpringKT-59472
K2: build ReaktiveKT-60902
visibility vs upper bound expect actual matching conflictKT-59378
MPP: "LazyTypeAliasDescriptor cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor" caused by expected non-constant function argument on iOS if class is type aliasedKT-59753
K2: NotImplementedError when using annotation with vararg with default value from other moduleKT-61145
False negative NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE when context receivers don't matchKT-60883
K2: FixtestRequireKotlinCompilerVersion
in LV 2.0 branchKT-61054
K2: "IAE: source must not be null" with -no-reflect on calling property getter with implicit invokeKT-57126
[KLIB Reproducibility] Manifest is written using os-dependent line separatorsKT-59218
K2: return types of calls to@PolymorphicSignature
methods inside try-expressions don't resolve to void when requiredKT-60002
K2 Scripts: FirRecursiveProblemChecker: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSourceKT-58906
K2. "Backend Internal error: Exception during IR lowering" instead of CANNOT_INFER_PARAMETER_TYPE error when parameter type missing in lambdaKT-60587
K2: Implement warning NO_REFLECTION_IN_CLASS_PATHKT-59490
K2: build km-shopKT-59355
K2: Allow to actual classifier have wider visibility than the corresponding expect classKT-56179
test failedKT-59969
K2: Disappeared API_NOT_AVAILABLEKT-60779
K2 IDE: FirSyntheticCallGenerator: IAE: List has more than one elementKT-60144
JVM IR inline: backport primitive boxing in class literalsKT-55955
K2: callable references are not properly resolved when in conflict with expected typeKT-55373
K2. Unresolved reference error for type mismatch with callable referencesKT-59249
K2: Empty varargs are not serialized to KLIBKT-59110
K2. "NotImplementedError: An operation is not implemented." error on incorrect@Target
K2: Calling a constructor through a deprecated typealias doesn't report a deprecationKT-59586
K2: support JVM backend diagnostics in light tree modeKT-55221
K2: No error reported for self-referencing local function with inferred return typeKT-59376
K2: False negative type mismatch for array literal with wrong numeric literalKT-59610
K2: Calls to annotations with default values are serialized differently in K1 and K2KT-60139
K2: Refactor handling of implicitly actual declarations (annotation & inline class constructors and property of inline class)KT-60793
K2: IllegalStateException: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirJavaTypeRefKT-60427
annotations contain outerType/outerTypeId information for non-inner nested classesKT-60137
K2: Quite complicated redeclaration error description is displayed for data classesKT-60639
K2: IllegalStateException: Unsupported compile-time value GET_CLASS type=kotlin.reflect.KClass<p1.A>KT-59476
K2: build ClashForAndroidKT-56888
CFA: Valid green in K1 -> red in K2.catch_end -> finally -> after_try
K2: Prohibit class literals with empty left-hand sideKT-60573
K2: False positive/negative CONFLICTING_OVERLOADS for main functionsKT-60124
K2: Conflicting declarations on extension properties with different upper-bounded type parameterKT-60259
K2: Reflection target is missing on adapted function referncesKT-59036
InstantiationError when instantiating annotation with a parameter type as a default parameter of another annotationKT-59711
K/N: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-60154
K2: Expected some types errorKT-58139
K2/MPP/metadata: compiler FIR serialization crash on complex expression as annotation argumentKT-59485
K2: build Anki-AndroidKT-59415
K/JVM: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-57984
K2/JS fails with IdSignature clash for inherited expect/actual functionKT-59398
Native: dynamic caches are broken on LinuxKT-50221
FIR: handle enhanced/flexible nullability inside withNullability properlyKT-59281
JVM IR inline: incorrect type of created arrayKT-59507
JVM IR inline: invocation of arrayOfNulls by function reference results in exceptionKT-58359
Allow volatile intrinsics on inline function constant argumentsKT-60598
K2: add OptIn checkers for command line argumentsKT-58360
Intrinsics for atomic update of array elementsKT-59392
K2: Not supported: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.ConeFlexibleTypeKT-59830
K2. False negative [FINAL_SUPERTYPE] on extending final class through type aliasKT-59644
K2: the companion object in anexpect
class requires to be explicitly defined for compileNativeMainKotlinMetadataKT-59640
constructor requires callingthis
but didn't use toKT-59404
JVM IR inline: add fake variables for debuggerKT-55072
K2: False positive "suspension point is inside a critical section"KT-58883
K2: False negative type mismatch for generic annotation in collection literalKT-59581
K2: Initializer type mismatch: expected Array<KClass<*>>, actual Array<KClass> in annotation parameter default value using array literalKT-60387
K2: IDE K2: "org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirArgumentListImpl cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirResolvedArgumentList"KT-59548
FIR2IR: inconsistent generation of dispatch receiver for object methodsKT-59416
K2: order of data class generated member differs in IRKT-57223
K2: false-negative INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME on non-final properties outside interfacesKT-60183
K2: INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME on private methods with all-open pluginKT-57240
K2 MPP: Actualization doesn't work for flexible typesKT-60436
K2: investigate possible FirJavaTypeRef equals parameter in FirDataFlowAnalyzer.hasEqualsOverrideKT-60299
K2: when a typealias toUnit
is returned, an explicitreturn
is now requiredKT-58005
K2: Unsupported compile-time value BLOCK for Repeatable annotationsKT-60223
K2: Wrong import with import aliasKT-54854
K2. Unresolved reference for not imported declaration when it is already imported as an import alias is absent in K2KT-59708
K2: "Property must be initialized or be abstract" occurs due to constructors orderKT-58483
K2. -Xmulti-platform flag isn't workingKT-53490
FIR: Refactor augmented assignment resolving code - fix lhs-related problems and combine similar code in array and assign operator handlingKT-59673
K2: incorrect error messageKT-58578
K2: Commonize expect-actual logic between FIR and IR actualizerKT-54989
FIR2IR: fragile code in postfix op detectionKT-59464
K2: Investigate cases of implicit type refs in Fir2IrImplicitCastInserterKT-53898
K2: False negative VAL_REASSIGNMENT on member valsKT-55933
K2: False negative Overload resolution ambiguity for call functions with named parameters if one of params is varargKT-56460
K2: Do not re-run DiagnosticCollectorVisitor from FirInlineDeclarationChecker.checkChildrenWithCustomVisitorKT-57641
K2: "java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: INSTANCE" in kotlin-reflect forKClass.objectInstance
on an anonymous objectKT-59299
[K2] ISE in IrBindablePublicSymbolBase.bind on equals function from companion of serializable classKT-58844
Incorrect type mismatch error: "actual type is kotlin/Int but kotlin/Int was expected"KT-59413
FIR: IrGenerationExtensions cannot see default values from expect declarationsKT-59858
Kotlin Native: Compilation failed: Sequence contains more than one matching element, org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.konan.lower.FunctionReferenceLowering$FunctionReferenceBuilder.buildClass(FunctionReferenceLowering.kt:644)KT-58539
[K2] Ir actualization fails to match expect/actual declarations that use custom function typesKT-59775
'toString()' on Object returns different result with concatenationKT-59737
K2: Actual class 'actual class FastArrayList : AbstractMutableList, MutableListEx, RandomAccess' has no corresponding members for expected class members because of different parameter names in JavaKT-59613
K2: Unhandled intrinsic in ExpressionCodegen exception in for expect function with default value in parameterKT-59216
K2. Unhelpful unresolved reference when inheriting from interface with constructor call (K1 reports NO_CONSTRUCTOR instead)KT-57377
K2/MPP: internal declarations from common module are inivisible for intermediate modules during metadata compilationKT-59362
conversion for const val causes SourceCodeAnalysisException: java.lang.NullPointerException: nullKT-51670
FIR: questionable behavior for deprecated String constructorsKT-35314
StackOverflowError with nested try-finally and function with contractsKT-53460
False positive smartcast warning in if block after if blockKT-40851
False MUST_BE_INITIALIZED_OR_BE_ABSTRACT error for a property which is initialised in the init blockKT-59695
False negative "VAL_REASSIGNMENT" in try/catch block with initialization in scope functionKT-41198
False positive βVariable must be initializedβ with assignment in scope function and safe callKT-47494
CFG SOE on incorrect codeKT-47892
False negative BREAK_OR_CONTINUE_OUTSIDE_A_LOOP withcontinue
block insidefor
K2. Value parameter default values are not checked for type mismatchKT-48115
Member functions with type parameter and contract don't produce smartcastsKT-47567
'Val cannot be reassigned' error not reported in unreachable codeKT-59541
K2: Type checking has run into a recursive problem on code that was compiling with Language 1.9KT-58943
K2: Incorrect with K1 priority of "invokeExtension + implicit receiver" candidateKT-37375
[FIR] Incorrect invoke resolutionKT-59286
JVM IR inline: local property not foundKT-58823
K2: Android app crashes right after start: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method findViewById(I)Landroid/view/ViewKT-57754
K2: No public signature built for the synthesized delegate fieldKT-58533
K2: "Not enough information to infer type variable T" for generic call in throw expressionKT-34846
FIR Java: enhance type parameter bounds properlyKT-52043
FIR: FirValueParameter with SubstitutionOverride does not reference the original FIR declarationKT-59291
JVM IR inline: unexpected result ofapiVersionIsAtLeast
[K2] IllegalStateException in mixed Java/Kotlin inheritanceKT-59487
K2: build KSP-playgroundKT-59489
K2: builld spring-petclinic-kotlinKT-58908
K2. Internal error "kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property firType has not been initialized" on incompleteis
K2: Investigate failures related to line numbers with LT compilation enabledKT-56139
K2: consider adding source element for implicit receiversKT-57489
K2: Incorrectly generated line numbers in companion object access inside classKT-58947
Run all existing codegen box tests with kapt stub generationKT-58827
K2 reports ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT on the whole classKT-54917
K2: ILT leak from a completed generic callKT-56187
K2: type parameter's upper bound is ignored in callable referencesKT-56186
K2: lack of type arguments in type constructor is ignored in callable referencesKT-59356
K2: Restrict rules for matching of expect supertypes for actual classKT-57217
K2: NoSuchMethodError ontoChar
call on java inheritor of java.lang.NumberKT-58356
K2: StackOverflowError with OptIn and Deprecated, while compiling Kotlin projectKT-57954
K2. Auto-generated "entries" member of enum class has higher priority than user-declared companion object with same name when language version is set to 2.0KT-59508
K2: Make sure that warnings-severity nullability annotations are not perceived as reasons for nullability errorsKT-53820
FIR: mismatching error message for invisible reference/memberKT-58641
K2: PublishedApi has no effect when internal fun used in the test source setKT-59461
K2: Erroneous null check when returning not-null typealias to nullable typeKT-58980
K2: Import of java field from companion's base breaks the compilerKT-59140
K2: "Symbol public final static field is invisible" caused by java static field called in kotlin codeKT-59501
Escape analysis constructs arrays of negative sizeKT-59452
apiVersionIsAtLeast calls in body of stdlib inline function may be evaluated on compile-timeKT-53967
[PL] Classifiers: Turning interface from fun to non-fun + adding member function causes Kotlin/JS fail: IAE: "Sequence contains more than one matching element"KT-59346
Not working breakpoints on not initialized variablesKT-55993
Wrong current pointer: strange behaviour of debugger or compiler when two IFs and an uninitialized variable between themKT-58335
K2: Exposed typealias from implementation dependency produces type mismatch in dependent moduleKT-58719
K2: false-positive INVISIBLE_REFERENCE error in case of importing an internal abstract classKT-57694
K2: False positive [NOTHING_TO_OVERRIDE] for a class overriding 'sort' method from the List collectionKT-58460
K2. return without argument became allowed for functions with return type AnyKT-49249
Incorrect nullability inferred for ThrowableKT-57429
K2: Fix computing a mangled name for members of a generic class that reference the class's type parameters in their signatureKT-57566
K2: Fix name mangling for functions that have dynamic type in their signatureKT-57818
K2: Fix FirMangleComputer to not include the "special" package name into mangled names of property accessors on non-JVM platformsKT-57777
K2: Fix computing a mangled name for the synthesizedentries
property getter of an enum classKT-57433
K2: Fix computing a mangled name for top-level functions and propertiesKT-58553
k2: Annotation type arguments are lost in FIR2IRKT-58184
K2: False negative INVISIBLE_MEMBER on destructuring declarationKT-58637
K2: False negative ABSTRACT_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED on Entry of Enum with abstract member declarationKT-54952
JvmSerializationBindings does not work with K2KT-54844
FIR/Analysis API: create stubs for equals/hashCode/toString for data classes in FIRKT-58555
K2: Generic property reference inside delegation misses type argumentKT-57648
FIR: move deprecation calculation on COMPILER_REQUIRED_ANNOTATIONS phaseKT-57049
K2 generates duplicates of symbols/declarationsKT-55723
K2: deprecations for enum entries are not resolved on the TYPES phaseKT-59033
Doesnβt support vararg parameter in annotation instantiation with empty argumentsKT-58780
JVM IR inline: local property delegation is not working for K2KT-58779
JVM IR inline: correctly process special inlined block in value class loweringKT-58720
Generate full InnerClass attributes for the standard libraryKT-58215
K2: JVM IR produces line numbers for delegation bridges that are not marked with ACC_BRIDGEKT-42696
JVM IR generates line numbers for all bridges leading to extra steps in the debuggerKT-57228
K2: annotations for interface member properties implemented by delegation are copiedKT-57216
K2: non-trivial enum declaration does not have ACC_FINAL in the bytecodeKT-55866
K2: Constant as parameter of@JvmName
: BE: "Unsupported compile-time value CALL private final fun "KT-58717
Object on the left-hand side of callable reference is not initialized ifKCallable.name
optimization is usedKT-59211
Kapt+JVM_IR: AssertionError on delegating to anonymous objectKT-57251
K2: weird error message when trying to instantiate anexpect
class without explicit constructorKT-58623
Language version 2.0: compiling into common, Native does not report "Protected function call from public-API inline function is prohibited", while JVM, JS doKT-55945
NoSuchMethodError when calling method with value class parameter on java class inherited from kotlin classKT-58840
K1/K2: false positive EXPOSED_FUNCTION_RETURN_TYPE related to protected lower boundKT-57243
K2: no warning or error reported on expect class in CLI, and JVM backend tries to generate it to a .class fileKT-57833
K2 reports NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT for inherited properties with the same nameKT-58153
K2/MPP/JVM&Native: cannot override Any::toString when an expect-supertype has Any::toString override in actual-classKT-58124
K2: FIR2IR compiler crash with MPP (Fir2IrSimpleFunctionSymbol is already bound)KT-57803
K2. "Kotlin: Only the Kotlin standard library is allowed to use the 'kotlin' package" error missing in 2.0KT-57504
[K2/N] Wrong coercion ofILT: 7
to kotlinx.cinterop.COpaquePointer causesCannot adapt kotlin.Int to kotlinx.cinterop.CPointer
during autoboxingKT-57484
K2: false positive OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY with ImplicitIntegerCoercionKT-57971
K1/K2: False positive "Redundant 'suspend' modifier" warning on declaration site when suspend function is also argumentKT-56779
Checkers false negative: AbstractMethodError when accessing setter via an interface where the member is defined as var, but it's val in implementationKT-51793
FIR: Investigate property+invoke resolution prioritiesKT-57003
FIR: missing annotation on parameter ofdata
class' syntheticcopy
K2: collection stub forsort
is not generated for custom List subclassesKT-54748
K2: incomprehensible errors when type parameter has the same name as a classKT-50703
FIR: Improve reporting UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED for type arguments of typealias constructor callsKT-57622
Fix incorrect metadata for data class generated methodsKT-54887
K2: fix behavior of references to value classes equals/hashCode/toStringKT-58937
K2: Annotation vararg arguments are incorrectly serializedKT-58621
K2: Private class shadows public function defined in the same packageKT-59041
K2. "IllegalStateException: Expected FirResolvedTypeRef with ConeKotlinType but was FirImplicitTypeRefImplWithoutSource " on incorrect collection declarationKT-58665
K2: Optional.of incorrectly accepts nullable StringKT-58938
K2. Abstract class can be invoked using member reference::
FIR: Investigate inference for equality (==) operatorKT-58294
K2 compiler crashes with OOM on deserializing annotation applied to itself with a enum outer/nested parameterKT-58972
K2: Error message of PRIVATE_CLASS_MEMBER_FROM_INLINE doesn't mention class membersKT-58989
K2: Forbid suspend operator get/setValue and provideDelegateKT-59177
K2: Report NAMED_ARGUMENTS_NOT_ALLOWED for named parameters in lambdasKT-57028
K2: "NSEE: Sequence contains no element matching the predicate" with stream related Java apiKT-58007
K2: Unsupported compile-time value GET_FIELD FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD when const value is default for annotationKT-58472
Secondary constructor breaks MUST_BE_INITIALIZED checkKT-58902
K2: Calls to overridden method with default parameter are not compiledKT-58549
K2: variable type is infered to non-existing interfaceKT-58613
K2: ConcurrentModificationException from FirSignatureEnhancement.performFirstRoundOfBoundsResolutionKT-55552
K2. False negative TYPE_MISMATCH in implementation via delegationKT-57436
Fix computing mangled names of generic properties from IR-based declaration descriptorsKT-57701
Unify selection of inherited callable with default implementation among multiple candidates in JVM, Native & JS backendsKT-58444
K2/MPP/metadata: compiler FIR2IR crash on constant with intrinsic initializer from common source set in Native-shared source setKT-57756
K2: Missing syntax errors when light tree parsing is usedKT-57435
Fix computing mangled names for functions with context receiversKT-57219
K2: incorrect relative order of normal and use-site-targeted annotations on property getter in the resulting bytecodeKT-57955
K2: "ClassCastException: class org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.impl.IrExternalPackageFragmentImpl cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrDeclaration" with property delegateKT-57425
K2: False-positive smartcast on property accessed through a property from another moduleKT-57844
K2. Not relevant errors when accessing Java member which have private overloads with argument type mismatchKT-58584
K2: "UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property packageFqName has not been initialized"KT-58529
K2: "Extension function type is not allowed as supertypes" compile errorKT-58284
K2: False negative ITERATOR_MISSINGKT-55078
K2 IDE: Infinite recursion inorg.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.java.JavaScopeProvider#findJavaSuperClass
K2: False-positive TYPECHECKER_HAS_RUN_INTO_RECURSIVE_PROBLEM on annotated const valKT-56523
Support dumping signatures and mangled names in irText testsKT-58456
K2: Custom function type metadata breaks Compose library compatibilityKT-58267
K/N: do not reference hidden Array.content* functions from the compilerKT-54792
Store program order of properties inside@kotlin
Native: Method returning String? leads to exception: Unexpected receiver type: kotlin.StringKT-58437
K2: Do not use descriptors in KonanSymbolsKT-57432
K2: Don't create default getters and setters in case when they are not neededKT-46047
FIR: incorrect type of integer literalsKT-57487
[K2/N] Stdlib ArraysTest fails withClass found but error nodes are not allowed
K2: False negative error on compound assignment for property of type ByteKT-57222
K2: compiler FIR serialization crash on two functions with captured type and object literalKT-58224
K2: deprecation on field is not detected properlyKT-55662
K2. Incorrect type mismatch error "inferred type is IOT" instead of "inferred type is Int"KT-55668
K2. 'in' modifier became applicable to star projectionKT-57064
K2: hidden internals of dealing with type-aliased primitive types are exposed to userKT-58252
K2: Symbol already bound for backing field during building resulting JS artifact for MPP projectKT-56940
K/Wasm: report compiler errors for unsupported external declarationsKT-56943
K/Wasm: implement@WasmImport
K2: False negative CANNOT_CHECK_FOR_ERASED on is-check for type with reified type argumentsKT-56944
K/Wasm: implement@JsFun
K2: False-positive suspend conversion for anonymous functionsKT-58028
MPP: Gradle -> IDE: settings provided viacompilations
DSL are not imported into common modules facetsKT-60603
K2: Investigate intellij tests failures in branch 2.0KT-60590
Fix light classes related tests in branch 2.0KT-60530
K2 scripting: exception on .gradle.kts openingKT-60539
K2: "KtInaccessibleLifetimeOwnerAccessException: org.jetbrains.kotlin.analysis.api.lifetime.KtReadActionConfinementLifetimeToken@3ce52fd9
is inaccessible: Using KtLifetimeOwner from previous analysis" at highlightingKT-60341
K2 IDE: "UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown type CapturedType(*)?"KT-60518
K2 IDE. False positive [NON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_NO_BODY] when completing function withComplete current statement
K2 IDE. "KotlinExceptionWithAttachments: Unexpected returnTypeRef. Expected is FirResolvedTypeRef, but was FirImplicitTypeRefImpl" exception on contract return typeKT-60352
K2 IDE. Support Java RecordsKT-56503
K2 IDE: FIR tree is incorrect in a case of ProcessCancelledException was thrown during phase executionKT-59843
) said ROOT package doesn't exist if noKtFile
s are givenKT-59836
Symbol Light Classes: Type parameters from the parent interface aren't copied to DefaultImpls methodsKT-59445
Recursion detected on input: JavaAnnotationImplKT-59533
AA/SLC: anonymous object appears during PsiType conversion, resulting in IllegalArgumentException:KtFirPsiTypeProviderKt.asPsiTypeElementKT-59563
Symbol Light Classes: Incorrect type erasure in $annotations methods for extension properties with generic parametersKT-57567
SLC: missingfinal
modifier on enum (non-synthetic) membersKT-59537
SLC: SymbolLightClassForAnonymousObject with null parentKT-59293
Symbol Light Classes: DefaultImpls methods must be static and have an additional $this parameterKT-59325
Symbol Light Classes: Non-existing fields for properties from companion objectsKT-57579
SLC: unboxed type argument as method return typeKT-54804
Generate synthetic functions for annotations on properties in light classesKT-56200
Kotlin FIR reference resolve exception leaks user codeKT-58448
K2 / IDE / SLC:findAttributeValue
for attribute w/ default value raises ClassCastException
IDE. Completion
K2 IDE: FirDeclaration was not found for class org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty, fir is class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.expressions.impl.FirBlockImpl
IDE. Gradle Integration
MPP Gradle plugin doesn't respect manually set compiler arg-opt-in
MPP + IDEA: tryK2 does not affect LV value of common facetsKT-61464
MPP, IDE: Metadata compilation task options are not imported to the corresponding source setKT-53875
Warn users about erroneously adding dependsOn fromtest
[Multiplatform Import] Ensure consistency betweenGradleImportProperties
IDE. Gradle. Script
Scripting: default definition as a fallbackKT-60171
K2 IDE: scripting freeze on kotlin project build.gradle.kts fileKT-60199
K2 scripting: exception on script openingKT-60193
K2 scripts: configuration discovery fails silently from time to timeKT-59801
K2 IDE: Adding of an import with a task name to a build script leads to unresolved referencesKT-60236
K2 scripting: completion fails with exception
IDE. Misc
IdeaKotlinBinaryCoordinates doesn't respect capabilities and classifier attributes
IDE. Multiplatform
Adopt KMM UI tests to be used with IDEAKT-50952
MPP: Commonized cinterops doesn't attach/detach to source set on configuration changes
IDE. Script
K2 IDE. KotlinExceptionWithAttachments in script fileKT-60519
Analysis API: scripts are not invalidated on PCE
IDE. Wizards
Rename Compose Multiplatform wizard to Compose for Desktop
IR. Interpreter
Restore binary compatibility of toIrConst function
IR. Tree
Auto-generate the IrFactory interfaceKT-59772
Restore compatibility of IrFactory#createFunctionKT-59771
Restore compatibility of IdSignature.CommonSignature
JS. Tools
Kotlin/JS source-map-loader slow performance since 1.4.0
New Features
KJS: ES15 classes β creating instance by class
Performance Improvements
KJS / IR: Huge performance bottleneck while generating sourceMaps (getCannonicalFile)
KJS: generate separate imports for useEsModules()KT-56737
K2: build Space JSKT-59001
K/JS: Use open-addressing hash map in JS stdlibKT-6168
Ability to generate one JS file for each Kotlin source fileKT-60667
K2 / KJS: jsTest fails with "SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'" on runtimeKT-60131
KJS: Interference between@JsExport
and final implementation of propertiesKT-60495
K2: Make JS CliTestGenerated working with K2KT-59712
K/JS: Implement enumEntries intrinsicKT-60202
JsExport.Ignored internal extension still has "JavaScript name () generated for this declaration clashes with another declaration"KT-58857
KJS/IR: js file is not generated when source is stored in /var folderKT-53482
KJS: Inheritance from JS class fails in ES6, because constructor is not called with newKT-58891
K/JS: non-local return in lambda may leave an unreachable JS code after returnKT-49077
KJS / IR: Wrong method called when using overloaded methods and class with the same nameKT-59718
K/JS: Concatenating a String with a Char can lead to boxing of the CharKT-59717
K/JS: a redundant boxing of a returned Char from an inline functionKT-39506
Kotlin/JS browser application using JS IR and React fails in runtime with "TypeError: _this__0._set_name__2 is not a function"KT-59151
K2 / KJS: NullPointerException in Fir2IrClassifierStorage.preCacheBuiltinClassesKT-59335
K/JS ES6 classes: A child constructor, when using parent secondary constructor super call, creates a parent objectKT-58797
Optimize the code generated for objects on JS and Wasm backendsKT-52339
FIx failing JS tests after bootstrap updateKT-46643
KJS / IR: Setter of overridden var of external val is removedKT-55315
IR: can't access thestack
property ofThrowable
Automatically generate NATIVE directive in tests for IR signaturesKT-59239
K/JS: Bridge not generated for checking parameter type in generic class overrideKT-57347
KJS: BE IR Incremental cache invalidation doesn't work after inserting Partial Linkage stubKT-58599
KJS: Adding an override method to open class does not rebuild children JS codeKT-58003
K2/MPP/JS: compiler IR serialization crash on multiple calls to inherited expect-functionKT-38017
KJS: tests generate invalid code depending on file namesKT-25796
KJS: Top-level constructs are put in an incorrect orderKT-58396
KJS / IR: "IllegalStateException: Validation failed in file" with Enum.entries and inheritance
KMM Plugin
KMM AS plugin for Canary 231 reports error
Programmatic API to dump public signatures from KLibsKT-58877
[klib tool] add ability to dump klib irKT-59136
[PL] Lower the default PL engine messages log level down to INFOKT-59486
klib: Serialize mangled names along with signaturesKT-60576
Keep supported IR signature versions in manifest
Language Design
KMP: consider prohibitingactual typealias
when the correspondingexpect class
has default argumentsKT-61573
Mark expect/actual classifiers as experimentalKT-22841
Prohibit different member scopes for non-final expect and its actualKT-49175
Inconsistency with extension super-type allowance between suspend / non-suspend function typesKT-27750
Reverse reservation of 'yield' as keyword
New Features
Rework Flags API in kotlinx-metadata-jvm
Migrate stdlib to current Kotlin Multiplatform PluginKT-58123
Update deprecations in native atomic classes for 1.9.20KT-58887
Reflection: "IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch" when using reflection to invoke a value class returning function that suspendsKT-61342
kotlin-test-wasm-* artifacts include test codeKT-61315
Publish common sources in kotlin-test-js sources jarKT-56608
WASI Preview1 version of Kotlin/Wasm stdlibKT-55765
Review and stabilize stdlib surface available in K/NKT-53154
Deprecate enumValues and replace it with enumEntries in standard libraryKT-55297
kotlin-stdlib should declare constraints on kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 and kotlin-stdlib-jdk7KT-60911
Compatibility publishing of kotlin-stdlib-commonKT-57838
Native: raise ExperimentalNativeApi opt-in requirement level to ERRORKT-58402
Migrate Vector128 from kotlin.native to kotlinx.cinteropKT-53791
Publish standard library as a multiplatform artifact with Gradle metadataKT-57363
Remove reified constraint from Array constructors in platforms where Array type parameter is not required to be reifiedKT-57401
Native: Regex matching zero length should split surrogate pairsKT-57359
Provide Common StringBuilder.append/insert with primitive type argumentsKT-58264
K2: republish kotlinx.metadata to support LV 2.0KT-57710
Native: Internalize@Retain
Native: Consider strictening NativeRuntimeApi opt-in requirement level to ERRORKT-57837
Deprecate kotlin.native.SharedImmutable and kotlin.native.concurrent.SharedImmutableKT-58126
Wasm: Consider removing Primitive.equals(Primitive) overload on primitive typesKT-53327
Migrate all usages of 'Enum.values' to 'Enum.entries' in standard libraryKT-59366
Deprecate KmModule.annotationsKT-59365
Get rid of two-stage parsing in KotlinClassMetadataKT-35116
Enum.valueOf throws inconsistent exception across multiple platformsKT-59223
Native Enum.hashCode should return identity hash code, similar to JVMKT-56637
Native: 'String.indexOf' matches byte sequences not on the char boundary, which also makes the result of 'split' and 'replace' operation incorrectKT-59192
Align behavior of collection constructors across platforms
Native: string and array variables are not properly displayed in lldb when compiling with caches with Xcode 15KT-60230
Native: "unknown options: -ios_simulator_version_min -sdk_version" with Xcode 15 beta 3KT-50463
Native: Provide a way to control the KONAN_DATA_DIR by the Gradle mechanismsKT-59448
K2: IR and FIR signatures are not same for composable functionsKT-59149
Native: check compiler compatibility with Xcode 15 beta 1KT-58537
iOS project fails to build with rootProject.name = "Contains Space"KT-59073
Native: don't include kotlinx.cli endorsed library into compiler distributionKT-58654
Compiler error from kotlin.collections.Map : "Invalid phi record", while compiling for kotlin native
Native. C Export
[K2/N] C export doesn't work for non-root packages with K2
Native. C and ObjC Import
Custom user message for linker errorKT-56041
[K2/N] Fix broken __builtin_nanf(String)KT-57716
[K2/N] Validation failed in file smoke.kt : unexpected type: expected platform.objc.Protocol?, got objcnames.classes.Protocol?KT-56028
does not resolveKT-52882
MPP / Native: expect/actual mechanism broken when base contract is NSObjectProtocolKT-59643
K2: Disable merging of forward declaration with real declaration classKT-59642
Remove ability to import forward declaration by library package nameKT-59645
Cast to objective C forward declaration crashes compilerKT-58793
[K2/N] Package separators after mangling are different for IR and FIR
Native. ObjC Export
[K2/N] Emit DocString klib extensions for ObjCExport
Native. Runtime. Memory
Kotlin/Native: track memory in big chunks in the GC schedulerKT-55364
Implement custom allocator for Kotlin/NativeKT-57772
Kotlin/Native: concurrently process weak references in GCKT-57771
Kotlin/Native: parallel mark in GC
Native. Stdlib
Introduce AtomicArrays API in K/N stdlibKT-61507
Native: enum hashcode is not finalKT-59120
Native: Rewrite stdlib AtomicReference with Volatile instead of custom C++ code
Reflection: Calling data classcopy
method via reflection (callBy) fails when the data class has exactly 64 fieldsKT-41373
"KotlinReflectionInternalError: Unresolved class" when inspecting anonymous Java classKT-52071
Continue gracefully when the system property check "kotlin.ignore.old.metadata" fails
Tools. CLI
Add JVM target bytecode version 21KT-58183
ParseCommandLineArgumentsKt.parseCommandLineArguments takes ~500msKT-58690
OutOfMemory when compiling in CLIKT-58065
K2: Enable light tree instead of PSI for CLI compilation of JS and Native by default
Tools. CLI. Native
[K1/N] Compile sources to native binary in two stagesKT-56855
[K2/N] Command-line compiler doesn't support compiling sources directly to a native binary (without intermediate klib) with-language-version 2.0
Tools. Commonizer
Change the OptIn Level to Error for kotlinx.cinterop.UnsafeNumberKT-59132
K2/Native/CInterop: [UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED] Type argument is not within its bounds: should be subtype of 'kotlinx/cinterop/CPointed'KT-47641
Enabled cInterop commonization triggers native compilation during Gradle sync in IDE
Tools. Compiler Plugin API
K2: Annotations generated by IR plugins are not included into metadataKT-60051
K2: Support metadata serialization of primitive const annotation arguments generated by IR plugins
Tools. Compiler Plugins
[atomicfu-compiler-plugin]: check that atomic properties are declared as private or internal valKT-58079
K2/atomicfu: JVM IR transformer crash on atomic extension functionsKT-55876
K2. "[Internal Error] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/com/intellij/openapi/util/UserDataHolderBase" when project with languageVersion 2.0 is Built and Run using Intelij IDEAKT-58049
K2: Smartcast of nullable property fails when Spring compiler plugin is presentKT-57468
Kotlin assignment plugin: operation name cannot be found for reference
Tools. Compiler plugins. Serialization
K2/MPP/serialization: several classifier kinds seem to miss generated serializer functions when compiled to K/JS and K/Native targetsKT-59768
kotlinx.serialization + K2 + JS/Native: Support meta-annotations on sealed interfaces with user-defined companions
Tools. Gradle
New Features
Gradle DSL: AddlanguageSettings
accessor tokotlin
extension that applies to all source setsKT-58315
Add build metrics for Kotlin/Native taskKT-57398
Add ability to run compilation via build-tools-apiKT-34901
Gradle testFixtures don't have friendPaths setKT-59000
Default standard library dependency should use the single artifact for all targets
Performance Improvements
Enabling compilation via the build tools API may cause high metaspace usage
Can't suppress warnings by Optin() in KMM build.gradle.kts or IDEA settingsKT-58987
Use some available JVM target if there's no JvmTarget for the inferred toolchain versionKT-60660
konan.data.dir property not provided for K/N Gradle project build (on Linux or Mac) with a dependency from a MavenKT-59451
[K2][1.9.0-Beta] "Errors were stored into ..." log files never actually existKT-56959
K2: Set up Ktor repo performance benchmarks with K2 enabledKT-60541
Possibility to create a custom usableKotlinCompile
task without using internalsKT-59826
Update SimpleKotlinGradleIT#testProjectIsolation to run on Gradle 8KT-56178
Compatibility with Gradle 8.1 releaseKT-54231
Compatibility with Gradle 8.0 releaseKT-61273
KGP: TaskOutputsBackup.createSnapshot was failed by IOException sometimesKT-61457
Kotlin Gradle Plugin should not use internal deprecated StartParameterInternal.isConfigurationCacheKT-60718
Kotlin Gradle Plugin's incremental compilation violates Project Isolation by accessing the tasks in the task graph that were produced by other projectsKT-60717
Kotlin Gradle Plugin violates Project Isolation restrictions by dynamically looking up properties in the projectKT-54232
Don't check if file exists in task file inputs configurationKT-61066
[KMP] iOS "Unkown Kotlin JVM target 20"KT-54160
New KGP API using lazy properties to add compiler plugin options may remove options with the same pluginIdKT-57565
Add ability to capture classpath snapshots via the build-tools-apiKT-61292
Gradle: compilation tasks may capture wrong build directory when build directory is changed after task configurationKT-60839
KGP provides incorrect default value "ENABLED" for -Xpartial-linkageKT-15370
Gradle DSL: add module-level kotlin optionsKT-58234
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Deprecate and remove KotlinCompilation.source APIKT-57645
build_scan failed in testBuildScanReportSmokeTestForConfigurationCache test with Gradle 8.0.2KT-59827
Update configuration to validate plugin inputsKT-59588
Upgrade max gradle version to max supported in kapt connected testsKT-59799
Validate Gralde Integrations tests has only one tagKT-59117
Add gradle integration tests for explicit api mode in Android projectsKT-59587
Upgrade max gradle version to max supported in jvmToolchain connected testsKT-56636
Bump max Gradle version for integration tests to 8.0KT-58353
Support reporting of diagnostics after projects are evaluatedKT-53822
Upgrade thegradle-download-task
dependency of the Kotlin Gradle pluginKT-58162
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Remove kotlinx.coroutines from classpath of KGPKT-58104
Check values for MPP_PLATFORMSKT-58569
Bump language version for Gradle plugins dependencies to 1.5
Tools. Gradle. Cocoapods
Log reason why podInstall task is skippedKT-49430
Stop invalidating iOS framework generated by KMM module on each Gradle SyncKT-59522
Set the required environment for cocoapods invocationsKT-59263
Add diagnostic that a dummy framework is not present when build is triggered from XcodeKT-59313
Elevate to error deprecation of useLibrariesKT-57741
KMP importing an iOS project with Xcode 14.3 fails when importing a pod that depends onlibarclite_iphoneos
Tools. Gradle. JS
New Features
KJS / Gradle: Add npm style repository option for YarnRootExtension - and/or don't register github repository when download=false
KJS: "Could not serialize value of type Build_gradle" caused by changed name in packageJson taskKT-60218
K/JS reports reports deprecation for non-Action dsl params in regular kotlin dslKT-56933
Add Kotlin/JS incremental tests with K2 enabledKT-58970
browserTest gradle task fails if karma is used and gradle configuration cache is enabledKT-42520
Add a way to setup generating separate js files for each module inside gradleKT-32086
Gradle, JS: runTask.enabled = false has no effect on npm dependenciesKT-48358
KJS: Circular dependency when multiple second-level Gradle modules have the same nameKT-50530
Kotlin/JS: enablingkotlin.js.ir.output.granularity=whole-program
does not remove superfluous .js output filesKT-50442
KJS / Gradle: webpack plugin errors not loggedKT-46003
KJS / IR: Should provide single distributions folder for production and development similarly to LegacyKT-47319
KJS: Error when project contains two modules with same nameKT-46010
KJS / Gradle: Can't find a file on building on WindowsKT-48923
KJS / Gradle: NoWebpack
error messages when Node.js process exits unexpectedKT-51942
KJS / Gradle: fails with two projects with the same name, but different pathsKT-51372
Kotlin/JS: Gradle compileKotlinJs processes directory just excluded from source setKT-52134
KJS: the default generated JS module name in a Gradle project with multiple subprojects is incomplete, which might cause duplicate names and build conflictsKT-52776
KJS / Gradle: Webpack version update despite yarn.lock breaks Kotlin/JS buildKT-39173
Kotlin/JS: kotlinNpmInstall fails with Gradle plugin 1.4-M2 and transitive dependency to 1.4-M1KT-55216
KJS / IR: Transitive NPM dependencies between projects are not included in jsPublicPackageJsonTaskKT-54182
MPP / JS:StackOverflowError
when in a Gradle multi-project and Kotlin Multiplatform build with the JS IR target which depends on another with the same subproject name via a renamed published Maven artifactKT-58250
tasks are not compatible with Gradle configuration cacheKT-58256
tasks are not compatible with Gradle configuration cache
Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
New Features
Rework configuration of compiler settings in MPP Projects
MPP: Compiler options declared in places other than languageSettings don't reach shared source setsKT-58676
Enable default Kotlin Target Hierarchy by defaultKT-59020
1.9.0 Beta Kotlin plugin Gradle sync fails with intermediate JVM + Android source setKT-61056
Native-shared source sets don't receive dependency on a commonMain of 1.9.20 stdlibKT-58712
Enable commonization by default if the CocoaPods plugin provided the dependencies that should be commonizedKT-59317
Deprecate ios() preset in favor of target hierarchyKT-47144
[Multiplatform] Warn about setting *Test.dependsOn(*Main)KT-59615
renderReportedDiagnostics: Rename 'isVerbose' to 'renderForTests'KT-59733
Make KotlinDefaultHierarchyFallbackIllegalTargetNames to check target names disregarding the caseKT-55787
Deprecate dependsOn edges ending at declared source sets of platform compilationsKT-58872
MPP: kotlin-test library reported as published in the legacy modeKT-58759
and other related to Gradle DependencyHandler methods inKotlinDependencyHandler
pluginManagement.includeBuild doesn't work when kotlin("multiplatform") applied to one of subprojects of included buildKT-58729
Investigate failures in KMM UI testsKT-58753
Add Hedgehog AS in KMM UI testsKT-58731
Fix failues in Mac tests in kt-master, kt-231-1.9.0 and kt-223-1.9.0KT-59248
Fix failures in Mac tests and Android Tests in kt-223-master and kt-231-masterKT-58732
Run kt-master Mac tests on cloud MacKT-57686
Fix KMM UI tests againKT-58316
Gradle 8: ':podDebugFrameworkIosFat' and [configuration ':debugFrameworkIosFat'] contain identical attribute setsKT-60134
MPP: Include user attributes to host-specific metadata dependency configurationsKT-60233
Investigate publication of TargetJvmEnivornment on Kotlin configurationKT-59311
Elevate to ErrorcommonMain.dependsOn(anything)
Elevate to Error usage of jvmWithJavaKT-45877
MPP / Gradle: "GradleException: Please initialize at least one Kotlin target" isn't user-friendlyKT-59844
KGP-based import: Reduce 'red wall of errors' on dependency resolution failuresKT-58471
Kotlin Multiplatform plugin resolves configurations during configurationKT-60158
KotlinJvmTarget.withJava: Ensure java source sets are created eagerlyKT-59578
External Android Target: Implement integration testsKT-59268
Run multiplatform tests in intellij.git with XCode 15.0 manuallyKT-58220
Kotlin Gradle Plugin: Kotlin 1.9 release groomingKT-58305
Investigate KotlinAndroidMppIT.testCustomAttributesInAndroidTargets: being broken for AGP 7.0.4KT-58255
Kotlin Gradle Plugin Lifecycle: Remove LifecycleAwarePropertyKT-55312
Replace "ALL_COMPILE_DEPENDENCIES_METADATA" configuration with set of metadata dependencies configurations associated per setKT-54825
TCS: Gradle Sync: Dependency resolution in KGP
Tools. Gradle. Native
Migrate Xcode/CocoaPods warnings to the new diagnostics infraKT-61154
NativeCompilerDownloader adds .konan/kotlin-native-prebuilt-linux-x86_64-1.9.0/konan/lib/kotlin-native-compiler-embeddable.jar as configuration cache inputKT-54362
Support Gradle Configuration caching in Xcode integration tasks and in CocoaPods pluginKT-59252
Support configuration cache in Xcode/CocoaPods tasks with Gradle 8.1
Tools. Incremental Compile
"has several compatible actual declarations in , "
Tools. JPS
Add basic JPS build performance metricsKT-57039
K2 IDE. Cannot compile gradle project with LV=2.0 via JPS with NoClassDefFoundError: org/jetbrains/kotlin/com/intellij/openapi/util/UserDataHolderBaseKT-58314
kotlin-build-statistics is missing for kotlin-jps-plugin
Tools. Kapt
K2 Kapt: add a Gradle propertykapt.use.k2
to enable K2 KaptKT-58326
KAPT / Gradle: argument changes are ignoredKT-57594
K2: Investigate the Kapt features used in the quality gates projectsKT-60270
K2: KAPT4 tries to generate metadata for local variablesKT-60293
K2: KAPT4 fails to generate metadata for const vals
Tools. Maven
Maven Kotlin Plugin should not WARN when no sources found
Tools. Parcelize
Add for-ide support for Parcelize K2 jars
Tools. Scripts
K2 / Script: "IllegalArgumentException: source must not be null" during compilationKT-58817
K2: support for .kts highlighting and completion
Tools. Wasm
Wasm: split wasm target into wasm-js and wasm-wasiKT-57058
Do not require a return value for DOM event listeners with Kotlin/WasmKT-59062
WASM: Report errors when calling WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming in tests
File | Sha256 |
kotlin-compiler-1.9.20-Beta.zip | 7cfb5bda0d0122345ba34ee263cc9a6e270babd71274cf809afc9fb15794d20e |
kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.9.20-Beta.tar.gz | e18926163e2c4b2bee0fb2ecb2aab494b7152c0091615991b9adaf3b24c5c646 |
kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.9.20-Beta.tar.gz | c8ebb55c8f27b658350021904cf5a75ff107cfcbfeccd4b9eb8732782806411c |
kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.9.20-Beta.tar.gz | 64d881d398cea2c6cf39671f2c2de5f0dd9ed5266bbaad930cf708e50cf1c2c9 |
kotlin-native-windows-x86_64-1.9.20-Beta.zip | 71073615edfe338a76adfa7db1e887be891b223ab85b9e7d621e342bc2cba8c4 |