New provides menu
By default --diffmenu and --cleanmenu is used
Yay verbosity is controlled by configuration now
New dependencies resolver
Changes to install and package get order
Repo only or AUR only operation is possible with (--repo and --aur/-a)
New flags
- aur Assume targets from AUR
- repo Assume targets from repo
- cleanmenu Give the option to clean build PKGBUILDS
- diffmenu Give the option to show diffs for build files
- editmenu Give the option to edit/view PKGBUILDS
- upgrademenu Show a detailed list of updates with the option to skip any
- nocleanmenu Dont clean build PKGBUILDS
- nodiffmenu Dont show diffs for build files
- noeditmenu Dont edit/view PKGBUILDS
- noupgrademenu Dont show the upgrade menu
- answerdiff Default answer to diff
- answeredit Default answer to edit
- answerupgrade Default answer to edit
- provides Look for matching provders when searching for packages
- noprovides Just look for packages by pkgname
- pgpfetch Prompt to import PGP keys from PKGBUILDs
- nopgpfetch Dont prompt to import PGP keys