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Assignment 4 for the Operating Systems and Networks course, Monsoon 2022


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Enhancing XV-6

Specification 1: System Calls

System Call 1: trace

Added (in struct proc in kernel/proc.h)

  • Is_Traced to tell if the process is being tracked

  • Trace_Mask to hold the mask based on which selective syscalls will be tracked

Implemented strace (in user/strace.c)

  • Takes strace <mask_no> <command> from the terminal

  • Calls trace syscall

  • Executes the command that was supplied as the argument.

Implemented trace system call (in kernel/proc.c) [as sys_trace]

  • Accesses the proc structure of the process and turns Is_Traced on.

  • Also sets Trace_Mask to the mask supplied

Modified (in syscall in kernel/syscall.c)

  • Structure to save arguments supplied to the system call.

  • Condition to check the Is_Traced flag and print details if true.


  • When strace is called on a process, it calls the trace syscall to make the process traceable by turning the Is_Traced flag on.

  • [All its children are also going to be traceable because Is_Traced and Trace_Mask are copied in the fork() function]

  • And in the syscall function (kernel/syscall.c), arguments to the syscall are temporarily stored before the syscall is called.

  • After the syscall is called, the return value + arguments are printed in the given format only if the Is_Traced value for that process is 1.

System Call 2: sigalarm & sigreturn

Added (in struct proc in kernel/proc.h)

  • Handler to hold the handler function to be called every ticks number of ticks.

  • Ticks to hold the number of ticks after which handler is called.

  • Current_ticks to hold the number of ticks that the process has consumed till now.

  • Sigalarm_tf to duplicate the process’ trapframe, and restore after sigreturn.

Implemented sigalarm (in kernel/sysproc.c) as sys_sigalarm

  • Sets the ticks and handler input by user

  • Also set current_ticks to 0

Implemented sigreturn (in kernel/sysproc.c) as sys_sigreturn

  • Restores the trapframe of the process

  • Also resets current_ticks to 0


  • If sigalarm has been called (if ticks > 0), on every timer interrupt, increment current_ticks.

  • If we have reached the desired number of ticks, save the trapframe and call the handler by setting epc to it.

  • Since we know that the handler always calls sigreturn before returning, set current_ticks to 0 and restore trapframe in sigreturn to start the cycle again.

Specification 2: Scheduling

Added SCHED_FLAG in the makefile which tells the kernel which scheduling policy to use. Usage:

make clean qemu SCHED_FLAG=<name_of_policy>

name_of_policy can be:

  • FCFS = First Come First Served

  • LBS = Lottery Based Scheduling

  • PBS = Priority Based Scheduling

  • MLFQ = Multi Level Feedback Queue


Added (in struct proc in kernel/proc.h)

  • Creation_time to hold the number of ticks at which the process was created.

Added (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Set creation_time to number of ticks in allocproc(), when the process is created.

Implemented FCFS (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Loop through all processes (proc[NPROC]) to find the process with the least creation time, locking appropriately.

  • Run this process, if it exists.


Disabled preemption by not giving up the CPU (yield()) on timer interrupts (devintr() = 2) in both usertrap() and kerneltrap() in kernel/trap.c.

b. LBS

Added (in struct proc in kernel/proc.h)

  • Tickets to hold the number of tickets the process possesses.

Added (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Set tickets to 1 (default) in allocproc(), when the process is created.

Implemented LBS (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Find total number of allocated tickets to all runnable processes.

  • Find a winner number, using a random number generator, mod with total_tickets.

  • Find the winning process, that satisfies the cumulative ticket count constraint.

  • If that process is runnable, run it.

Implemented int settickets(int number) (in kernel/proc.c)

  • This syscall increases the number of tickets of the process calling it by the argument that is passed.

Logic / Others

Give child processes the same number of tickets as their parents, in fork() (kernel/proc.c)


Sys_settickets is just a wrapper function that calls settickets(), or does error handling if LBS scheduling is not in use

c. PBS

Added (in struct proc in kernel/proc.h)

  • run_time to hold the number of ticks the process has run for, independent of other times it was run (if any).

  • sleep_time to hold the number of ticks the process was in sleeping state, since the last time it was scheduled.

  • times_scheduled to hold the number of times the process was scheduled.

  • static_priority to hold the static priority of the process.

Added (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Set run_time, sleep_time, and times_scheduled to 0 in allocproc(), because the process has just been created.

  • Set static_priority to 60 (default).

  • A helper function update_proc_info() that increments run_time for running processes and sleep_time for sleeping processes, for all processes in proc[NPROC]. This function is called at every tick increment.

Implemented PBS (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Find the dynamic_priority of each process using the given formula.

  • Find the process with the most priority (least numerical value of dynamic_priority), using the given tie breaking constraints.

  • After we go through all of proc[NPROC], we’ll be left with the process we need, if it exists.

  • Run this process, also increment times_scheduled. Reset its run_time and sleep_time to 0.

Implemented int set_priority(int new_priority, int pid) (in kernel/proc.c)

  • This syscall sets the priority of the process with the given pid to the new_priority passed.

  • Also resets the run_time and sleep_time of the process to 0.

  • Returns old_priority, i.e. previous static_priority of the process, if it was found, else returns -1

Logic / Others

  • Added sys_set_priority() that acts as a wrapper for set_priority(int new_priority, int pid), but also yield()s if the process gets higher priority.

  • Implemented a user program setpriority.c, which uses the above system call to change the priority of a process.


Disabled preemption by not giving up the CPU (yield()) on timer interrupts (devintr() = 2) in both usertrap and kerneltrap in kernel/trap.c


Added (in struct proc in kernel/proc.h)

  • queue_no to hold the current queue number.

  • mticks to hold the number of ticks used in the queue’s respective time slice.

  • mstart to hold the start time of the process.

Added (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Structures to have five queues (array implementation of queue)

  • 5 arrays q0,q1,q2,q3,q4 and their sizes e0,e1,e2,e3,e4

  • Routines to push front and back to the queue, pop form an index, pop and push back to the queue.

  • Routine to find a process p and remove it from the queue.

  • Structure to hold time slices and aging thresholds for different queues.

Added (in allocproc() in kernel/proc.c)

  • Set queue_no and mticks to 0, mstart to ticks.

  • Push the process to q0.

Added CheckRunnable() (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Iterates through all process addresses in the proc[NPROC] structure.

  • If it finds a process that is NOT in the queue and is runnable, it adds it to q0.

Added CheckAging() (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Iterates through all process addresses in the proc[NPROC] structure.

  • If it finds a process that is in the queue and is runnable, it checks its runtime.

  • Its runtime will be equal to ticks - mstart. If that is greater than the aging threshold for the queue it is present in, then pop it and push it into queue of higher priority

  • Reset mstart to ticks.

Implemented MLFQ (in kernel/proc.c)

  • Call CheckRunnable() and CheckAging()

  • Iterate through all queues starting from the highest priority to the lowest priority queue and check if a runnable process exists. If found, run it.

  • Increment mticks on every tick.

  • Check if any process finished its time slice (by comparing its mticks to time slice) and push it to the next queue if so. [Clear mticks to 0 if the queue is changed]

  • yield() after each tick to start the iteration process all over again.

  • For the last queue, if the process completes its time-slice, pop it, and push it back to the end of the same queue.

  • Pop a process if it completes its execution.


  • Preemption of the current process when a new process enters a higher queue is ensured by the fact that we are yielding after every tick and resuming a runnable process with highest priority after every tick.

  • And by the fact that runnable processes that are not already in the queue are searched for by CheckRunnable() after every tick.

Specification 3: Copy-On-Write Fork()

Added (in kernel/riscv.h)

  • Flag PTE_COW to mark a given page as a COW page.

Added (in kernel/kalloc.c)

  • A structure that keeps a count of references to a given page.

  • Routines to increase and decrease the reference counts.

Modified uvmcopy() (in kernel/vm.c)

  • Removed the part where a new page was being allocated and mapped to.

  • Instead mapping to the old page and marking it as a COW page. [Also Removing its Write permissions]

  • Incrementing reference count to this page.

Modified usertrap() (in kernel/trap.c)

  • Added another check to catch traps caused by writing to a page that does not have write permissions. (i.e., COW pages) and handle the trap using cow_handler().

Implemented cow_handler() (in kernel/trap.c)

  • Decrements references to the given page.

  • Unmaps the page, allocates memory for a fresh page and maps that instead.

  • Gives write permissions to the new page and removes the COW flag.

Modified kfree (in kernel/kalloc.c)

  • Does not free immediately.

  • Decrements the reference count and frees only if the count is 0.


  • Uvmcopy now does not allocate fresh memory whenever fork is called. It simply increments the reference count of that page and removes its write permissions.

  • If any process tries to write to such a page, a user trap with s_cause() value 15 is generated .

  • Such a process needs a new page that is writable which is exactly what cow_handler() does. It decrements the reference count and unmaps the page, allocates memory for a fresh page and maps that instead.

  • Kfree is modified because we do not want the page to be freed when there are processes still referencing it. It frees when the reference count is zero i.e., when no more processes are pointing to it.

Scheduling Analysis

  • wtime (waiting time), rtime (running time), and total_time for schedulertest with some modifications to avoid compiler optimisation in each scheduling are mentioned below
Algorithm wtime rtime total_time
FCFS 108 25 134
LBS 111 24 135
PBS 186 29 215
MLFQ 103 26 128

total time = waiting_time + running_time

  • order on basis of finishing time

     PBS >> LBS > FCFS > RR > MLFQ    

     a huge difference in PBS and other is due to non-preemitive implementation in PBS

  • PBS has largest finishing time as there is no preemption and if a process with larger time comes first all the rest processes have to starve for cpu execution. This is called the Convoy effect.

  • LBS , MLFQ and  FCFS have nearly same finishing time. This could be because lottery wise picking is as bad as picking the first one in probabilistic sense (especially when all tickets are just 1) . And because MLFQ has the same overhead as FCFS for the first few queues.

  • MLFQ has reasonable time as there are many queues with different priorities and a process which takes more CPU time is shifted to less priority queue and also prevents starvation by aging i.e shifting to upper queues after some fixed time. Hence it is optimal.

MLFQ analysis

Running MLFQ on the given  schedulertest with some modifications to avoid compiler optimisation


Assignment 4 for the Operating Systems and Networks course, Monsoon 2022







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