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Multi-Task Batch RL with Metric Learning

This repository contains the code accompanying the paper Multi-Task Batch Reinforcement Learning with Metric Learning.

Codes for the full model algorithm and each of the baseline and ablation can be found under their corresponding folder. For ease of use, we separate each method into a single folder. Thus, there are duplicate files in this repository.

Software dependencies

For software dependencies, please have a look inside the environment folder, one can create a conda environment with environment.yml.

To create the conda environment, cd into the environment folder and run:

conda env create -f environment.yml

** To reproduce the results of Fig. 5 in our paper (MetaGenRL related), one should create another conda environment and run the following commands:

pip3 install ray[tune]==0.7.7 gym[all] mujoco_py>=2 tensorflow-gpu==1.15.2 scipy numpy

python3 -c 'import ray; from pyarrow import plasma as plasma; plasma.build_plasma_tensorflow_op()'

which is slightly different from the instruction in the official MetaGenRL repo.

Data to download

To reproduce the results, we provide the collected transition buffers for each of the training tasks, the trained BCQ models and ensemble predictors in the Google Drive, i.e., the first phase of training pipeline. Please download all the data and put them in the data_and_trained_models folder. Otherwise one should be careful when running the following experiments and one should correctly specify the locations. After downloading the files from Google Drive, use the command below to unzip the file:

tar -xvf data_and_trained_model.tar.gz

To reproduce the results of Fig. 11, one should further download the multi-task policy trained without reward ensemble from the link. After downloading the file, use the following command to unzip the files

tar -xvf full_model_no_ensemble_results.tar.gz

then move the downloaded folder to the data_and_trained_models folder.

Reproducing Results

Experiments are configured via .py configuration files located in ./configs. To evaluate different methods, we take AntDir as an example. Except for WalkerParam, one can obtain the corresponding results of the other task distributions by simply changing the distribution name. We will specify the difference for WalkerParam and provide the codes to reproduce the results.

Reproducing Results Fig. 4 in our paper.

  1. To get the results of our model, one should go to the full_model folder and run the experiments:

    cd full_model
    python --config=ant-dir
  2. Note that to get the results of our model on WalkerParam, one should go to the full_model_walker_param folder instead of full_model, i.e.

    cd full_model_walker_param
    python --config=walker-param
  3. Similarly, to get the results of Contextual BCQ, one should go to the contextual_bcq folder and run the experiments:

    cd contextual_bcq
    python --config=ant-dir
  4. To get the results of PEARL, one should go to the batch_pearl folder and run the experiments:

    cd batch_pearl
    python './configs/ant-dir.json'
  5. After you repeat the procedures above for all the 6 task distributions, one can plot the results by running

    python -m plotting.evaluate_against_baseline

Reproducing Results Fig. 5 in our paper.

Note that to reproduce the results, one needs to activate the correct conda environment

  1. Run the codes to obtain the training results of MetaGenRL on AntDir

    cd metagenrl
    python train
  2. Open the tensorboard using the following comments:

    tensorboard --logdir ./ray_results/metagenrl
  3. Download the results of custom_mean_episode_reward in tensorboard of either agent 0 or agent 1. Save the file as custom_mean_episode_reward.csv.

  4. Plot the results by running

    python -m plotting.evaluate_metagenrl

Reproducing Results Fig. 6 in our paper.

Note that we already obtain the results of our full model by following the procedures to reproduce Fig. 4 in our paper.

  1. To get the results of No transition relabelling, one should go to the no_transition_relabelling folder and run the experiments

    cd no_transition_relabelling
    python --config=ant-dir
  2. To get the results of No triplet loss, one should go to the no_triplet_loss folder and run the experiments

    cd no_triplet_loss
    python --config=ant-dir
  3. Note that to get the results of No triplet loss on WalkerParam, one should go to the no_triplet_loss_walker_param folder instead of no_triplet_loss, i.e.

    cd no_triplet_loss_walker_param
    python --config=walker-param
  4. To get the results of neither, one should go to the neither folder and run the experiments:

    cd neither
    python --config=ant-dir
  5. For UmazeGoal-M, we also need the results of GT, one should go to the full_model_ground_truth_label folder and run the experiments:

    cd full_model_ground_truth_label
    python --config=maze-umaze
  6. After you repeat the procedures above for all the 6 task distributions, one can plot the results by running

    python -m plotting.evaluate_against_ablations

Reproducing Results Fig. 8 and Fig. 13 in our paper.

To reproduce the results of Fig. 8 and Fig. 13 in the paper, one needs to run the original SAC oac-explore on all training tasks. And run the SAC initialized by our method sac_with_initialization and a variation of SAC sac_baseline with two identically initialized Q functions trained by different mini-batches on all testing tasks.

There are 8 testing tasks for all the task distributions with GOAL_ID ranging from 1 to 8. However, the lists of GOAL_ID of training tasks vary from task distributions to task distributions, which are specified below:

  • AntDir: [0, 1, 4, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 26, 27]
  • AntGoal: range from 0 to 9
  • HumanoidDir-M: [0, 1, 4, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 26, 27]
  • HalfCheetahVel: [3, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 29, 31]
  • WalkerParam: range from 0 to 29
  • UmazeGoal-M: range from 0 to 9
  1. To get the results of original SAC, one should go to oac-explore and run the experiments on all training tasks:

    cd oac-explore
    python --config=ant-dir --goal=GOAL_ID

    Note one should repeat experiments with GOAL_ID traversing [0, 1, 4, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 26, 27].

  2. To get the results of SAC init by our method, one should go to the sac_with_initialization folder and run the experiments on all testing tasks by varying GOAL_ID from 1 to 8:

    cd sac_with_initialization
    python --config=ant-dir --goal=GOAL_ID
  3. To get the results of the variation of SAC with two identically initialized Q functions trained by different mini-batches, one should go to the sac_baseline folder and run the experiments on all testing tasks by varying GOAL_ID from 1 to 8:

    cd sac_baseline
    python --config=ant-dir --goal=GOAL_ID
  4. After you repeat the procedures above for all the 6 task distributions, one can plot the results by running

    python -m plotting.evaluate_sac_init

Reproducing Results Fig. 11 in our paper.

The configuration files are listed in full_model/configs and full_model_walker_param/configs. File name specified the value of triplet margin. In paper, we set the values of triplet margin to be [0.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0] and show the results on five task distributions except for HalfCheetahVel.

  1. For example, to get the results of triplet margin = 0.0, one can cd to full_model and run the experiment:

    cd full_model
    python --config=ant-dir-triplet-margin-0p0
  2. To get the results on Walker-Param, one should go to full_model_walker_param instead:

    cd full_model
    python --config=walker-param-triplet-margin-0p0
  3. After you repeat the procedures above for all the 5 task distributions, one can plot the results by running

    python -m plotting.evaluate_ablate_triplet_margin

Reproducing Results Fig. 12 in our paper.

  1. To obtain the results of SAC initialized by this policy, one should go to the sac_with_initialization folder and run the experiments on all testing tasks by varying GOAL_ID from 1 to 8:

    cd sac_with_initialization
    python --config=humanoid-openai-dir --goal=GOAL_ID  --model_root=../data_and_trained_models/full_model_no_ensemble_results  --base_log_dir=./data_without_ensemble
  2. Note that we have already obtained the results of SAC initialized by our full model and standard SAC when trying to reproduce Fig. 8 and Fig. 13 in the paper. After finishing running the command above for all the testing tasks, one can reproduce Fig. 11 by running

    python -m plotting.evaluate_ablate_reward_ensemble


If you would like to generate the results for the training phase, first you can go to the oac-explore folder and run the following command to obtain the training buffers. Note that the list of GOAL_ID varies in different task distributions. The lists of training GOAL_ID for different task distributions are detailed above when we describe how to reproduce the results of Fig. 8 and Fig. 13 in the paper.

python --config=ant-dir --goal=GOAL_ID

Then one can go the the BCQ folder and run the following command to extract task-specific results:

python --config=ant-dir --goal=GOAL_ID

Simultaneously, one can get the reward prediction ensembles by going to the reward_prediction_ensemble and running

python --config=ant-dir

and can get the next state prediction ensembles by going to the transition_prediction_ensemble and running

python --config=walker-param

Note that one should pay extra attention to --data_models_root.


This repository was based on rlkit, oac-explore, BCQ, PEARL and MetaGenRL.

The codes to generate the transition batch for each task and codes to accelerate conventional SAC are obtained modifying the codes as provided in the oac-explore.

The Batch RL part of this paper is based on the codes as provided in the BCQ.

The codes for batch_pearl are obtained by modifying PEARL.

The codes for metagenrl are obtained by modifying MetaGenRL.

The codes for each environment files in the folder env are adapted from PEARL. Note that the rand_param_envs in each folder is copied from rand_param_envs.


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