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Source code for Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection with Tree-Structured Modeling


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ContextWithStructure is a deep learning based facial landmark detection framework, which jointly models the context as well as the intrinsic geometric structure of facial landmarks. This project hosts the full source code for our paper Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection with Tree-Structured Modeling (Accepted as a regular paper for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017). The early accessed version of the paper can be found here.

In the following, we will provide the details of the datasets as well as the instructions to train and evaluate the models.



Currently, we provide four datasets, which are AFLW_FULL, LFW_NET, MTFL_TEST and UMDFaces. For AFLW_FULL, LFW_NET and MTFL_TEST datasets, both the images and annotations can be downloaded via the Google Drive link. As for the UMDFaces dataset, only the annotations are provided because of the storage limit of my Google Drive account (15GB vs 60GB). You can download it from its official project page.


The annotations of these four datasets we provide are a bit different from their official versions. For example, the original annotations of the MTFL_TEST dataset include (1) five facial landmarks and (2) attributes of gender, smiling, wearing glasses and head pose. While our annotations (1) remove the four attributes and (2) offer the face bounding box. What we can guarantee is that the annotations of all facial landmarks we supply are identical to the official versions.

The detailed descriptions of the annotations of each dataset are as follows:

    • img_path bbox_x1 bbox_x2 bbox_y1 bbox_y2 lm1_x lm1_y lm2_x lm2_y ... lm19_x lm19_y v1 v2 ... v19 img_h img_w
    • img_path bbox_x1 bbox_x2 bbox_y1 bbox_y2 lm1_x lm1_y lm2_x lm2_y ... lm5_x lm5_y
    • img_path bbox_x1 bbox_x2 bbox_y1 bbox_y2 lm1_x lm1_y lm2_x lm2_y ... lm5_x lm5_y
  • UMDFaces
    • img_path bbox_x1 bbox_x2 bbox_y1 bbox_y2 lm1_x lm1_y lm2_x lm2_y ... lm19_x lm19_y

Where img_path means the file path of a image relative to the root directory of the dataset, (bbox_x1, bbox_y1) and (bbox_x2, bbox_y2) are the coordinates of the left top and right bottom points of the face bounding box respectively. (lm#_x, lm#_y) represents the coordinate of the #-th facial landmark, and v# indicates its visibility.


The data processing consists of two parts: 1) data augmentation and 2) preprocessing. Specifically, the data augmentation includes horizontal flip and rotation. And the preprocessing includes mean image subtraction and ground-truth landmark normalization.

Data augmentations

Dataset augmentation # of training images # of training images after augmentation
AFLW_FULL  flip + rotation (-15 and +15 degrees) 20000 60000
LFW_NET flip + rotation (-15 and +15 degrees) + rotated flip (-15 and +15 degrees)           10000  60000
MTFL_TEST                              x                               x     x  
UMDFaces                        no augmentation                     317918 317918

Here rotated flip means the horizontal flip after rotation, and the MTFL_TEST dataset is used as the test set only.


  1. Mean image subtraction which subtracts the mean image of the whole training set from each training image.
  2. Ground-truth landmark normalization which normalizes the coordinate (x, y) of a specific landmark to the range 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1.



Here $CWS_HOME means the root directory of the cloned project.


  • download the datasets via the Google Drive link provided in the Download section.

Generate Training LMDB

  • cd $CWS_HOME/experiments/data_processing
    • python --meta_file $TRAIN_ANNO_FILE --img_base_dir $IMG_BASE_DIR --output_dir dataset/train/ --lmdb_prefix aflw_full_224x224_rgb --is_color True --img_size 224 --flipping false --rotation true --rotated_flipping false --num_landmarks 19 --rotation_angles 15 --rotation_angles -15
    • python --meta_file $TRAIN_ANNO_FILE --img_base_dir $IMG_BASE_DIR --output_dir dataset/train/ --lmdb_prefix lfw_net_224x224_rgb --is_color True --img_size 224 --flipping true --rotation true --rotated_flipping true --num_landmarks 5 --rotation_angles 15 --rotation_angles -15
  • UMDFaces
    • python --meta_file $TRAIN_ANNO_FILE --img_base_dir $IMG_BASE_DIR --output_dir dataset/train/ --lmdb_prefix umd_face_224x224_rgb --is_color true --img_size 224 --flipping false --rotation false --rotated_flipping false --num_landmarks 19

Here $TRAIN_ANNO_FILE and $IMG_BASE_DIR represent the training annotation file and root directory to the images of the corresponding dataset respectively. When generating lmdb data, you can find some visualization results under the visualization/ folder. And after the processing done, you will find the generated lmdb file under the dataset/train/ folder.

Besides, we also provide a tool to check whether the generated lmdb data is correct or not, for example, the following command

  • python --lmdb_data dataset/train/umd_224x224_rgb_data/ --lmdb_landmark dataset/train/umd_224x224_rgb_landmark/ --num_to_read 20 --save_dir image_read_from_lmdb/ --num_landmarks 19

will recover the first 20 images from the lmdb data, the recovered images can be found under the image_read_from_lmdb/ folder.

Generate Test LMDB

  • cd $CWS_HOME/experiments/data_processing
    • python --test_stage True --meta_file $TEST_ANNO_FILE --img_base_dir $IMG_BASE_DIR --output_dir dataset/test/ --lmdb_prefix aflw_full_224x224_rgb --is_color True --img_size 224 --num_landmarks 19
    • python --test_stage True --meta_file $TEST_ANNO_FILE --img_base_dir $IMG_BASE_DIR --output_dir dataset/test/ --lmdb_prefix lfw_net_224x224_rgb --is_color True --img_size 224 --num_landmarks 5
    • python --test_stage True --meta_file $TEST_ANNO_FILE --img_base_dir $IMG_BASE_DIR --output_dir dataset/test/ --lmdb_prefix mtfl_test_224x224_rgb --is_color True --img_size 224 --num_landmarks 5
  • UMDFaces
    • python --test_stage True --meta_file $TEST_ANNO_FILE --img_base_dir $IMG_BASE_DIR --output_dir dataset/test/ --lmdb_prefix umd_face_224x224_rgb --is_color True --img_size 224 --num_landmarks 19

Compute Mean Image

  • cd $CWS_HOME
    • ./build/tools/compute_image_mean ./experiments/data_processing/dataset/train/aflw_full_224x224_rgb_data ./experiments/data_processing/dataset/train/aflw_full_224x224_rgb_mean.binaryproto
    • ./build/tools/compute_image_mean ./experiments/data_processing/dataset/train/lfw_net_224x224_rgb_data ./experiments/data_processing/dataset/train/lfw_net_224x224_rgb_mean.binaryproto
  • UMDFaces
    • ./build/tools/compute_image_mean ./experiments/data_processing/dataset/train/umd_face_224x224_rgb_data ./experiments/data_processing/dataset/train/umd_face_224x224_rgb_mean.binaryproto

Start Training

  • download the pre-trained model for the initialization of the context network here.
  • cd $CWS_HOME
  • ./build/tools/caffe train --solver ./experiments/models/$PATH_TO_SOLVER [--weights $PATH_TO_PRE_TRAINED_MODEL] --gpu $GPU_ID |& tee ./experiments/logs/$PATH_TO_LOG

Note that the option --weights is needed for training models in whom the context network is involved. To investigate the training process in depth, we provide a tool called log visualization. For example, the following command

  • python --log ../logs/alexnet_percep_struct_aflw_full_224x224_rgb.log --start 0 --end 100000 --step 5 --loss "euclidean_loss"

will visualize the loss term euclidean_loss in the training phase whose iteration is in the range [0, 100000]. Find more helpful functionalities by just running

  • python


  • cd $CWS_HOME/experiments/data_processing
  • python ./ --lmdb_data ./dataset/test/$TEST_DATA --lmdb_landmark ./dataset/test/$TEST_LANDMARK --lmdb_bbox ./dataset/test/$TEST_BBOX --lmdb_eye_center ./dataset/test/$TEST_EYE_CENTER --mean_file ./dataset/train/$MEAN_IMAGE --network ../models/$DEPLOY_PROTOTXT --caffemodel ../weights/$CAFFE_MODEL --output_layer $OUTPUT_LAYER [--use_width True --threshold 0.05]

Note that the option --use_width True --threshold 0.05 indicates the mean error is normalized by face size (width of the bounding box), and the threshold of failure rate is 5%. Otherwise, the mean error is normalized by bi-ocular distance. As described in our paper, we use bi-ocular distance for the LFW_NET and MTFL_TEST datasets.

For detailed explanations of different options, just run

  • python ./

Pre-trained Models

We provide a pre-trained caffe model for the evaluation of the AFLW_FULL dataset on alexnet_percep_aflw_full network (the network definition is under the $CWS_HOME/experiments/models/19_points/alexnet_percep_aflw_full/ folder). It can be downloaded from here.


If you find ContextWithStructure useful in your research, please consider citing:

author={J. Zeng and S. Liu and X. Li and D. A. Mahdi and F. Wu and G. Wang}, 
journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing}, 
title={Deep Context-Sensitive Facial Landmark Detection With Tree-Structured Modeling}, 
keywords={Context modeling;Face;Feature extraction;Loss measurement;Predictive models;Shape;CNN;Facial landmark detection;context constraint;deep learning;tree-structured modeling}, 