First, create the python virtual environment using the virtualenv
module. On Windows, do the following:
pip install virtualenv
python -m venv venv
In Linux, do the following:
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
Next, install the requirements by running either of the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev ca-certificates libmariadb-dev gunicorn # On Linux
pip install flask python-dotenv gunicorn mariadb
To run the program in debug mode, execute either of the following commands (replace $PORT with the port number):
python -m
FLASK_RUN_PORT=$PORT FLASK_RUN_HOST= flask --app heatwatch/app --debug run
To run it in production mode, execute the following
gunicorn --workers=4 --access-logfile - --bind=$PORT
The webserver is currently being hosted on, and the database is hosted on planetscale.
Name | Type | Description |
readings |
array | Array of ordered tuples |
readings[n][0] |
int | Epoch time (in ms) when reading was made. If null or unspecified, defaults to server time. |
readings[n][1] |
float | Calculated heat index. If null or unspecified, is calculated from temperature and relative humidity. |
readings[n][2] (required) |
float | Temperature. |
readings[n][3] (required) |
int | Relative humidity. |
Name | Type | Description |
from (required) |
int | Sends readings made after the epoch time (in ms) specified (exclusive). |
to (optional) |
int | Sends readings made before the epoch time (in ms) specified (inclusive). |
Name | Type | Description |
last |
int | Epoch time (in ms) of last reading sent. |
first |
int | Epoch time (in ms) of first reading sent. |
data |
array | Array of tuples of readings in ascending order of time. |
data[n][0] |
int | Epoch time when reading was recorded. |
data[n][1] |
int | Calculated heat index. |
data[n][2] |
int | Temperature. |
data[n][3] |
int | Relative humidity. |