- Large Scale Visual Food Recognition (TPAMI 2023) [paper]
- Convolution-Enhanced Bi-Branch Adaptive Transformer with Cross-Task Interaction for Food Category and Ingredient Recognition (TIP 2024) [paper]
- Synthesizing Knowledge-enhanced Features for Real-world Zero-shot Food Detection (TIP 2024) [paper]
- Ingredient-Guided Region Discovery and Relationship Modeling for Food Category-Ingredient Prediction (TIP 2022) [paper]
- A Study of Multi-Task and Region-Wise Deep Learning for Food Ingredient Recognition (TIP 2021) [paper]
- Multi-Scale Multi-View Deep Feature Aggregation for Food Recognition (TIP 2020) [paper]
- From Canteen Food to Daily Meals: Generalizing Food Recognition to More Practical Scenarios (TMM 2024) [paper]
- Coarse-to-Fine Nutrition Prediction (TMM 2024) [paper]
- Dynamic Mixup for Multi-Label Long-Tailed Food Ingredient Recognition (TMM 2023) [paper]
- An Intelligent Vision-Based Nutritional Assessment Method for Handheld Food Items (TMM 2023) [paper]
- Reinforcement Learning for Logic Recipe Generation: Bridging Gaps From Images to Plans (TMM 2022) [paper]
- Learning From Web Recipe-Image Pairs for Food Recognition: Problem, Baselines and Performance (TMM 2022) [paper]
- Mixed Dish Recognition With Contextual Relation and Domain Alignment (TMM 2022) [paper]
- Cross-Modal Food Retrieval: Learning a Joint Embedding of Food Images and Recipes With Semantic Consistency and Attention Mechanism (TMM 2022) [paper]
- An Artificial Intelligence-Based System to Assess Nutrient Intake for Hospitalised Patients (TMM 2021) [paper]
- MVANet: Multi-Task Guided Multi-View Attention Network for Chinese Food Recognition (TMM 2021) [paper]
- Domain Adaptation for Food Intake Classification With Teacher/Student Learning (TMM 2021) [paper]
- A Hybrid Approach for Detecting Prerequisite Relations in Multi-Modal Food Recipes (TMM 2021) [paper]
- Food Recommendation: Framework, Existing Solutions, and Challenges (TMM 2020) [paper]
- Hierarchical Attention Network for Visually-Aware Food Recommendation (TMM 2020) [paper]
- OVFoodSeg: Elevating Open-Vocabulary Food Image Segmentation via Image-Informed Textual Representation (CVPR 2024) [paper]
- FIRE: Food Image to REcipe Generation (WACV 2024) [paper]
- Online Class-Incremental Learning for Real-World Food Image Classification (WACV 2024) [paper]
- Food-500 Cap: A Fine-Grained Food Caption Benchmark for Evaluating Vision-Language Models (ACMMM 2023) [paper]
- SeeDS: Semantic Separable Diffusion Synthesizer for Zero-shot Food Detection (ACMMM 2023) [paper]
- Feature-Suppressed Contrast for Self-Supervised Food Pre-training (ACMMM 2023) [paper]
- Improving Cross-Modal Recipe Retrieval with Component-Aware Prompted CLIP Embedding (ACMMM 2023) [paper]
- Single-Stage Heavy-Tailed Food Classification (ICIP 2023) [paper]
- Semantic-Embedded Knowledge Acquisition and Reasoning for Image Segmentation (ICIP 2023) [paper]
- An End-to-End Food Portion Estimation Framework Based on Shape Reconstruction from Monocular Image (ICME 2023) [paper]
- Learning Program Representations for Food Images and Cooking Recipes (CVPR 2022) [paper]
- Recipe-oriented Food Logging for Nutritional Management (ACMMM 2022) [paper]
- Image Segmentation and Recognition for Multi-Class Chinese Food (ICIP 2022) [paper]
- Nutrition5k: Towards Automatic Nutritional Understanding of Generic Food (CVPR 2021) [paper]
- Fusion Learning Using Semantics and Graph Convolutional Network for Visual Food Recognition (WACV 2021) [paper]
- A Large-Scale Benchmark for Food Image Segmentation (ACMMM 2021) [paper]
- FoodLogoDet-1500: A Dataset for Large-Scale Food Logo Detection via Multi-Scale Feature Decoupling Network (ACMMM 2021) [paper]
- RecipeLog: Recipe Authoring App for Accurate Food Recording (ACMMM 2021) [paper]
- Personal Food Model (ACMMM 2020) [paper]
- ISIA Food-500: A Dataset for Large-Scale Food Recognition via Stacked Global-Local Attention Network (ACMMM 2020) [paper]
- Cross-domain Cross-modal Food Transfer (ACMMM 2020) [paper]
- Multi-modal Cooking Workflow Construction for Food Recipes (ACMMM 2020) [paper]
- Heterogeneous Fusion of Semantic and Collaborative Information for Visually-Aware Food Recommendation (ACMMM 2020) [paper]
- ChefGAN: Food Image Generation from Recipes (ACMMM 2020) [paper]
- A Cross-Modal Variational Framework For Food Image Analysis (ICIP 2020) [paper]
- Weakly-Supervised Plate And Food Region Segmentation (ICME 2020) [paper]