Helpful ways to truncate your datastores.
truncate table [tablename];
For logged truncation:
delete from table [tablename];
truncate table "tablename";
For logged truncation:
delete from table "tablename";
For absolution:
From a mongo shell: db.collection.drop()
, where "collection" ~= "tablename"
Usually unnecessary, as it defaults storage to /dev/null, and auto-shards across all nodes in the cluster.
MongoDB is Web Scale.
When you are serious:
r.table('tablename').delete({durability: 'hard'}).run()
When you are less serious:
r.table('tablename').delete({durability: 'soft'}).run()
When you are in a hurry:
When you are OCD (to be run before the hurry code):
var collectionsToEradicate = new List<string>
foreach (var collection in collectionsToEradicate)
new IndexQuery { Query = "Tag:" + collection },
allowStale: true
sudo apt-get install -y libpq-dev postgresql-9.2 && sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common
- Build swimming pool
- Fill it with cash money
- Use the pool of cash to buy Oracle software
- Load purchased software and supply data
- delete from table "tablename";
- flashback table "tablename"; -- just kidding
- truncate table "tablename"; -- no kidding
👊 rm -f data.db