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Autoscaled Internal Load Balancing Using HAProxy and Consul on Google Compute Engine

An internal load balancer is used to distribute network traffic to servers on a private network. Neither the internal load balancer nor the servers it distributes traffic to are exposed to the public Internet. The Internal Load Balancing using HAProxy on Google Compute Engine tutorial provides a good explanation of the basics of internal load balancing, and walks you through configuring an internal load balancer using HAProxy and Google Compute Engine.

In this solution we extend the previous configuration to support autoscaling both the HAProxy load balancing tier and the backend server tier. This will allow servers to be gracefully added to or removed from their respective tiers, letting the infrastructure respond to changes in load or recover from failure. Consul will be used to provide the service discovery and distributed configuration mechanisms to enable this:

The software stack

Consul Consul is used for service discovery. Servers register with Consul and can be discovered by other servers in the cluster.
Consul Template Consul Template is used to monitor events in a Consul cluster and render a configuration template (and optionally restart a service) in response to changes in the cluster.
Dnsmasq Dnsmasq is used to forward DNS queries from an instance to Consul. It allows applications that rely on DNS to easily discover services in Consul.
HAProxy HAProxy is a high-performance TCP/HTTP load balancer.
Backend server A simple Go application that outputs a Google Compute Engine instance's local metadata as JSON.
Frontend server A simple Go application that consumes JSON from the backend server API and renders it as HTML.
Packer Packer is a tool for creating pre-configured Google Compute Engine VM images. It will be used to install and configure Consul and HAProxy into a bootable image.
Google Cloud Platform Managed Instance Groups and Autoscaler A managed instance group is a pool of homogeneous instances, created from a common instance template. An autoscaler adds or remove instances from a managed instance group.

What you will learn

Each of the following sections discusses a specific aspect of the architecture diagram you just saw, and includes hands-on instructions for provisioning that section on Google Compute Engine. By the end of the document you will have learned about each section of the architecture in detail, and have it running and usable in your environment.

What you need

If you want to complete the tutorial as you read along, you’ll need just two things:

The Consul cluster

Consul is used for service registration and discovery in this architecture. When the instances running HAProxy boot, they register with a Consul service named haproxy-internal, and the frontend server can discover all of the HAProxy servers with a DNS query to Consul. Similarly, instances running the backend application register with a Consul service named backend and can be discovered by the HAProxy servers.

To support service registration and discovery, you must run at least one Consul server. The makers of Consul strongly recommend running 3-5 Consul servers per datacenter. Examples in this document will recommend running 3 Consul servers.

Hands-on: Launch Consul servers

  1. Create a new Google Cloud Platform Project
  2. Install gcloud on your workstation by following the instructions at
  3. Configure gcloud to use your new project:
$ gcloud config set core/project YOUR_NEW_PROJECT_ID
  1. Create a Google Compute Engine instance named tool that has git and packer pre-installed:
$ gcloud compute instances create tool \
  --scopes=cloud-platform \
  --zone=us-central1-f \
  --image=debian-8 \
  --metadata "startup-script=apt-get update -y && \
    apt-get install -y git unzip && \
    curl -o /tmp/ && \
    curl -o /tmp/ && \
    sudo unzip /tmp/ -d /usr/local/bin/ && \
    sudo unzip /tmp/ -d /usr/local/bin/"
  1. Connect to the new tool instance:
$ gcloud compute ssh tool --zone=us-central1-f
  1. Clone the source code repository to the tool instance:
$ cd ~
$ git clone
  1. Set an environment variable containing your project ID:
$ export PROJECT_ID=$(curl -H "metadata-flavor: Google"
  1. cd to the directory containing the Consul image files:
$ cd ~/compute-internal-loadbalancer/images/consul
  1. Use packer to build the Google Compute Engine VM image for the Consul servers:
$ packer build -var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} packer.json
  1. Copy the ID of the image created:
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> googlecompute: A disk image was created: consul-1450847630
  1. Launch 3 Consul servers, being sure you replace the --image flag with the image ID output in the previous step:
$ gcloud compute instances create consul-1 consul-2 consul-3 \
  --metadata="^|^consul_servers=consul-1,consul-2,consul-3" \
  --zone=us-central1-f \
  --no-address \
  1. Join your tool instance to the cluster:
$ consul agent \
  -data-dir=/tmp/consul \
  -retry-join=consul-1 \
  -retry-join=consul-2 \
  -retry-join=consul-3 &
  1. View cluster members and verify that consul-1, consul-2, and consul-3 are joined as type server:
$ consul members
  Node          Address           Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
  consul-1   alive   server  0.6.0  2         dc1
  consul-2   alive   server  0.6.0  2         dc1
  consul-3   alive   server  0.6.0  2         dc1
  tool   alive   client  0.6.0  2         dc1

The backend application

The backend application in this example is a simple microservice that returns the instance metadata of the Google Compute Engine instance it is running. The instance metadata is returned as a JSON string in response to an HTTP Get request. Instances running the backend application have a private IP address but no public address. The source for the sample application is located on GitHub.

Bootstrapping the backend

When a VM running the backend application comes online, it must join an existing Consul cluster, register itself as a service with the cluster, then start the application process to respond to HTTP requests. 2 systemd units - consul_servers.service and backend.service - are responsible for this bootstrapping.

  1. consul_servers.service: this unit invokes the shell script, which retrieves the names of the Consul servers from the instance's metadata store and writes them to the file /etc/consul-servers. Consul servers must already be running, and the backend servers must be launched with a metadata attributed named consul_servers whose value is a comma-delimited list of Consul server names. Here is the unit file:

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/ > /etc/consul-servers"

  1. backend.service: this unit runs after consul_servers.service. It reads Consul server names from /etc/consul-servers, then runs the script. This script creates a Consul service file, then joins the cluster and registers the service, and finally starts the backend application. Here is the backend.service unit file:



Here is the script:

#! /bin/bash
export zone=$(curl -s -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" "" | grep -o [[:alnum:]-]*$)

# Set zone in Consul and HAProxy files
envsubst < "/etc/consul.d/backend.json.tpl" > "/etc/consul.d/backend.json"

# Start consul
consul agent -data-dir /tmp/consul -config-dir /etc/consul.d $CONSUL_SERVERS &
# Start the microservice
/opt/www/gceme -port=8080

The backend Consul service

Here is the /etc/consul.d/backend.json service file generated when the backend.service service is started:

  "service": {
    "name": "backend",
    "tags": ["us-central1-f"],
    "port": 8080,
    "check": {
      "script": "curl localhost:8080 >/dev/null 2>&1",
      "interval": "10s"

When the Consul agent starts on a backend server, that server will be registered with the Consul cluster as a backend service with the availability zone it is running in as a tag. Members of the service can be discovered by resolving the DNS name backend.service.consul.. To find service members in a specific availability zone, prepend the tag to the name: us-central1-f.backend.service.consul.

Hands-on: Launch the backend service

In this hands-on section, you will use Packer to build the VM image for the backend service, then use an instance group to create and manage a cluster of backend servers:

  1. On your tool instance, cd to the directory containing the backend image files:
$ cd ~/compute-internal-loadbalancer/images/backend
  1. Use packer to build the Google Compute Engine VM image for the Consul servers:
$ packer build -var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} packer.json
  1. Copy the ID of the image created:
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> googlecompute: A disk image was created: backend-1450847630
  1. Create an instance template that describes the configuration of the backend servers, being sure to replace YOUR_BACKEND_IMAGE_ID with the output of the previous step:
$ gcloud compute instance-templates create backend \
  --no-address \
  --metadata="^|^consul_servers=consul-1,consul-2,consul-3" \
  1. Create an instance group that will launch 2 backend servers using the backend template:
$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed create backend \
  --base-instance-name=backend \
  --template=backend \
  --size=2 \

The HAProxy load balancer tier

HAProxy is used to load balance requests to the backend servers. When a VM running HAProxy comes online, it must join an existing Consul cluster, register itself as a service with the cluster, discover the servers in the backend service, then start HAProxy. Like the backend servers, the HAProxy servers will only have private IP addresses and will not be accessible to the public Internet.

The HAProxy Consul service

The service registered with Consul by each HAProxy server is named haproxy-internal and is defined as follows:

  "service": {
    "name": "haproxy-internal",
    "tags": ["us-central1-f"],
    "port": 8080,
    "check": {
      "script": "curl localhost:8080 >/dev/null 2>&1",
      "interval": "10s"

Like the earlier backend service, the haproxy-internal service is tagged with the availability zone the instances are running in. This will allow the frontend application to connect to any load balancer using the haproxy-internal.service.consul name, and will also allow zone-specific lookups by prepending a particular zone to the lookup name, for example us-central1-f.haproxy-internal.service.consul will only return service members in the us-central1-f availability zone.

Discovering servers in the backend service with consul-template

To load balance requests the HAProxy servers need to know the IP address of all healthy backend servers. This solution uses consul-template to update HAProxy's configuration file (/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg) and reload the HAProxy service every time the membership of the backend service changes. This snippet of the haproxy.cfg template file shows the zone-specific us-central1-f.backend service being iterated and writing server directives that indicate available servers to HAProxy:

listen http-in
        bind *:8080{{range service "us-central1-f.backend"}}
        server {{.Node}} {{.Address}}:{{.Port}}{{end}}  

consul-template is executed by systemd (see the consul_template.service unit file for more detail) as follows:

consul-template -template "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.ctmpl:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:service haproxy restart" -retry 30s -max-stale 5s -wait 5s

Hands-on: Launch HAProxy load balancers

In this hands-on section, you will use Packer to build the VM image for the HAProxy load balancer servers, then use an instance group to create and manage a cluster of servers:

  1. On your tool instance, cd to the directory containing the HAProxy image files:
cd ~/compute-internal-loadbalancer/images/haproxy
  1. Use packer to build the Google Compute Engine VM image:
packer build -var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} packer.json
  1. Copy the ID of the image created:
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> googlecompute: A disk image was created: haproxy-1450847630
  1. Create an instance template that describes the configuration of the backend servers, being sure to replace YOUR_HAPROXY_IMAGE_ID with the output of the previous step:
gcloud compute instance-templates create haproxy \
  --no-address \
  --metadata="^|^consul_servers=consul-1,consul-2,consul-3" \
  1. Create an instance group that will launch 2 HAProxy servers:
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create haproxy \
  --base-instance-name=haproxy \
  --template=haproxy \
  --size=2 \

The Frontend application

The frontend application in this example consumes the JSON output from the backend (via the HAProxy load balancers) and renders it as HTML:

Instances running the frontend application have a public and private IP address. They can receive requests from the public Internet, and make requests to the HAProxy servers via private IP addresses. The source for the sample application is the same as the backend and is available on GitHub.

Connecting the frontend to the backend

The frontend application accepts the location of the backend as a runtime flag:

gceme -frontend=true -backend-service=http://BACKEND_SERVICE_ADDRESS:PORT

The frontend servers are also members of the Consul cluster, so they can easily discover the HAProxy service via DNS and provide that service name as the value to the backend-service flag when the frontend process is started:

gceme -frontend=true -backend-service=http://us-central1-f.haproxy-internal.service.consul:8080

Consul service discovery with DNS and Dnsmasq

Dnsmasq is installed on the frontend servers and /etc/resolv.conf is modified to include as a nameserver, allowing dnsmasq to resolve queries for the .consul TLD. consul-template is then used to render a second hosts file - /etc/hosts.consul - that contains the hostnames and addresses of load balancers in the HAProxy service. The consul-template file to generate /etc/hosts.consul is:

{{range service "$zone.haproxy-internal"}}
{{.Address}} $zone.{{.Name}} $zone.{{.Name}}.service.consul{{end}}

consul-template renders this file and restarts the dnsmasq service whenever HAProxy servers are added or removed from their instance group. A rendered /etc/hosts.consul looks like: us-central1-f.haproxy-internal us-central1-f.haproxy-internal.service.consul us-central1-f.haproxy-internal us-central1-f.haproxy-internal.service.consul 

Finally, dnsmasq is configured to use this additional hosts file and is able to answers resolution requests for haproxy-internal.service.consul from the frontend application. Complete details of the instance configuration are available in the images/frontend directory.

Hands-on: Launch the frontend application

In this hands-on section, you will use Packer to build the VM image for the frontend servers, then launch a single frontend instance with a public IP address.

  1. On your tool instance, cd to the directory containing the frontend image files:
$ cd ~/compute-internal-loadbalancer/images/frontend
  1. Use packer to build the Google Compute Engine VM image:
$ packer build -var project_id=${PROJECT_ID} packer.json
  1. Copy the ID of the image created:
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> googlecompute: A disk image was created: frontend-1450847630
  1. Create a frontend instance with a public IP address and the http-server tag that will open port 80. Be sure to replace YOUR_FRONTEND_IMAGE_ID with the output of the previous step:
$ gcloud compute instances create frontend \
  --metadata="^|^consul_servers=consul-1,consul-2,consul-3" \
  --zone=us-central1-f \
  --tags=http-server \
  1. The details of the instance will be output when the create operation succeeds, and will look similar to the following:
frontend us-central1-f n1-standard-1    RUNNING
  1. Copy the value for EXTERNAL_IP and open it in your browser to view the frontend application.

  2. Refresh the page several times and notice that different backends are serving the request.

Autoscale and handle failure

When you launch an instance using the HAProxy image you made, it registers itself automatically with Consul and is discoverable by frontend instances via DNS. Similarly, if an HAProxy instance fails Consul detects this, frontends are notified (via consul-template restarting dnsmasq) and requests are no longer routed through the failed instance. Because these instances bootstrap, are discoverable, and fail gracefully, it is a simple task to add a Google Compute Engine Autoscaler to automatically add or remove load balancing capacity based on utilization.

Hands-on: Simulate an HAProxy load balancer failure

The HAProxy instance group you created previously had 2 instances in the group. You can resize the group to 1 to simulate the failure of one of the instances:

$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed resize haproxy --size=1

The instance group manager will choose a random instance to terminate. A notification should appear from Consul in your tool terminal indicating a failure:

2015/12/27 20:00:43 [INFO] memberlist: Suspect haproxy-gg94 has failed, no acks received
2015/12/27 20:00:44 [INFO] serf: EventMemberFailed: haproxy-gg94

The failed instance is no longer a member of the service, and the frontend servers were updated to exclude it.

You can run consul members to view the HAProxy instance that was terminated. You should see output similar to this:

$ consul members
Node          Address           Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
backend-lfwe   alive   client  0.6.0  2         dc1
backend-mq5c   alive   client  0.6.0  2         dc1
consul-1   alive   server  0.6.0  2         dc1
consul-2   alive   server  0.6.0  2         dc1
consul-3   alive   server  0.6.0  2         dc1
frontend  alive   client  0.6.0  2         dc1
haproxy-gg94   failed  client  0.6.0  2         dc1
haproxy-tm64   alive   client  0.6.0  2         dc1
tool   alive   client  0.6.0  2         dc1

Hands-on: Enable HAProxy autoscaling

Autoscaling can be enabled for an existing instance group. The autoscaler supports scaling based on CPU utilization, custom metrics, or both. In this example, you will configure the autoscaler to add capacity when either the aggregate CPU utilization of the HAProxy servers is more than 70%, or when the network input exceeds 1Gbps.

Important note about choosing metrics: CPU or network throughput may not be the best scaling indicators for your workload. Use Google Cloud Monitoring and this Distributed Load Testing solution to generate load for your system and understand the correct metric(s) to scale on.

Enable autoscaling for the HAProxy server group with the following command:

$ gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling haproxy \
  --zone=us-central1-f \
  --min-num-replicas=2 \
  --max-num-replicas=8 \
  --scale-based-on-cpu \
  --target-cpu-utilization=.7 \

Cleaning up

After you've finished the HAProxy tutorial, you can clean up the resources you created on Google Cloud Platform so you won't be billed for them in the future. The following sections describe how to delete or turn off these resources.

Deleting the project

The easiest way to eliminate billing is to delete the project you created for the tutorial.

Warning: Deleting a project has the following consequences:

If you used an existing project, you'll also delete any other work you've done in the project. You can't reuse the project ID of a deleted project. If you created a custom project ID that you plan to use in the future, you should delete the resources inside the project instead. This ensures that URLs that use the project ID, such as an URL remain available. If you used the automatically generated project ID, this may not be a concern. To delete the project, in the Google Cloud Platform Console, use the Projects page. Click the trashcan to the right of the project name.

Deleting instances groups

You can use the Cloud Platform Console to delete instance groups. Select the check boxes for the backend and haproxy instance groups, then click Delete.

Deleting instances

You can use the Cloud Platform Console to stop or delete Compute Engine instances. Select the check boxes and then click Stop or Delete.

Deleting disks

You can use the Cloud Platform Console to delete persistent disks. Select the check boxes and then click Delete. Note that you cannot delete a disk that is in use by an instance. First shut down or delete the instance that is using the disk and then delete the disk.

Deleting images

You can use the Cloud Platform Console to delete images. Select the check boxes and then click Delete.

Multi-zone deployment with Google Cloud Deployment Manager

Deployment Manager is an infrastructure management service that automates the creation and management of your Google Cloud Platform resources for you, freeing you up to focus on developing services and applications for your users. You can use Deployment Manager to run the entire solution in multiple availability zones in two simple steps:

  1. From your tool instance, edit the file ~/compute-internal-loadbalancer/dm/config.yaml, inserting the image IDs for the images you created with Packer in the previous steps:
      haproxy_image: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IMAGE_ID
      backend_image: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IMAGE_ID
      frontend_image: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IMAGE_ID
      consul_image: REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_IMAGE_ID
  1. Deploy the entire architecture with gcloud:
$ gcloud deployment-manager deployments create internal-lb-demo \
  1. As the deployment is processing, visit the Deployment Manager console page and track its progress.

  2. When the deployment completes, visit the HTTP load balancer console page and click the IP address in the Incoming Traffic columnt to access a frontend and verify the application is working. It may take several minutes after the deployment completes before the load balancer begins servicing requests.

Delete the Deployment Manager deployment

  1. $ gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete internal-lb-demo

Next Steps

You've now seen how to create a scalable, resilient internal load balancing solution by using HAProxy and Consul on Compute Engine instances that runs in a private network. You've also seen how service discovery works to enable registration and discovery of both the load balancing tier and its clients.

You can extend or modify this solution to support different backend applications such as database servers or key-value stores.

For information about how to load test your internal load balancer, see Distributed Load Testing Using Kubernetes.

Read about other load balancing solutions available on Google Cloud Platform:


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