DictTango is an offline tool to display the dictionary of MDict format
- -Supports TangoDict format dictionaries
- -Supports MDict MDX dictionaries
- -Supports dictionary grouping, and allows specifying an brief dictionary for each group to display word definitions in search results.
- -Supports online dictionaries.
- -Standard word lookup supports union search, allowing you to view dictionary content in either waterfall or sliding view.
- -Reading mode facilitates reading a single dictionary, automatically sorts Chinese entries by pinyin, and provides a picture dictionary viewing mode.
- -Allows setting global fonts, supports loading large fonts over 30MB, and offers a font minimizer to trim large fonts.
- -Allows setting multiple fonts for individual dictionaries.
- -User comment feature.
- -The word book includes spelling and pronunciation functions, allows downloading online images for words, adds user notes, and features a word memory mini-game.
- -Built-in internal FTP and web server (PC console) for easy dictionary upload access from a computer.
- -Full-text search function.
- -Smart viewer to view URLs, images, text files, and PDF files with instant translation.
- -Comes with a built-in in-app file explorer that can view and highlight CSS and JS files.
- -Includes an MDD file explorer that allows direct viewing of directories and files within MDD files.
- -Supports AI integration and custom AI prompts, currently compatible with ChatGPT, Google AI, Wenxin Yiyan, and the built-in Tango Assistant (capable of converting between simplified and traditional Chinese, OCR, and running standalone JS scripts). AI prompts can be added as online dictionaries.
- -Support local LLM files, the AI chat feature enabling direct interaction with the local large language model
Starting from Android 11, all Android apps are no longer allowed to access files outside their designated app folders on the SD Card (located under the /Android/data directory). Although adding global file management permissions can resolve this issue, the Google Play Store does not allow regular apps to have this permission. However, this version includes the additional permission, so after user authorization, it can access all files on the SD Card.
Please note, however, not to upgrade this version to the one from the Google Play Store, as this will cause the loss of global file management permissions, preventing access to dictionary files on the SD Card.
- 支持TangoDict格式词典并同时兼容MDict词典
- 支持词典分组,并且可以为分组指定概述词典以便在搜索结果里显示单词解释
- 支持加入在线词典
- 普通查词方式支持联合查询,可以选择以瀑布流或者滑动视图方式查看词典内容
- 阅读模式方便阅读单本词典,中文词条自动以拼音排序,并提供图片词典查看模式
- 可以设置全局字体, 支持加载30mb以上的大字体,同时提供字体精简器对大字体进行精简
- 可以为词典单独设置多个字体
- 用户批注功能
- 单词本带单词拼写及朗读功能,可以为单词下载在线图片并添加用户备注,并且有一个单词记忆小游戏
- 自带内部web 服务器(电脑控制台)和FTP服务器,方便用户直接从电脑端访问上传词典全文搜索功能
- 智能查看器查看网址,图片,文本文件,PDF文件并实现即点即译
- 自带应用内文件浏览器,可以查看并高亮显示css文件和js文件
- 自带MDD文件浏览器,可以直接查看mdd文件中的目录和文件
- 支持调用AI并自定义AI Prompt,目前支持ChatGPT, Google AI, 文心一言及内置的Tango助手(可实现简繁转换,OCR及单独运行JS脚本), 支持把AI Prompt加为在线词典
- 支持调用本地大语言模型文件并与之进行对话
从安卓11开始,所有Android应用将不再支持访问SD Card上非应用文件夹(位于/Andoid/data目录下)以外的文件,虽然添加全局文件管理权限可以解决这个问题,但Google Play Store不允许一般应用有这个权限。而这里的版本额外添加了这个权限,所以从这里下载的版本通过用户授权后是可以访问SD Card上所有的文件的。
但要切记不要从这里版本升级到谷歌市场的版本,否则会失去全局文件管理的权限而导致不能访问SD Card上的词典文件。