TrustyJAID's Cogs for Red-DiscordBot.
To add the cogs to your instance please do: [p]repo add Trusty-cogs
Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status) |
Hockey | Release | A cog to gather hockey scores, schedules, player data and more!If you would like to use the built in emoljis, ask me (TrustyJAID#1) on discord to add your bot to my server hosting the emojis used in this cog. There is also a command to set your own custom emojis. |
Notsobot | Beta | Working cog for many of NotSoBot's commands.Has lots of requirements, view the cog for details. |
ReTrigger | Release | Trigger events based on regex!Note: This repo requires pillow to allow resizing of images. |
Spoiler | Beta | Post spoiler messages in chat and react to the message to view the spoilers. |
ExtendedModLog | Release | An in depth extension of RedBot's built in modlog.Handles message edits, message deletes, mod bot commands, channel updates, server updates, emoji changes and more |
Badges | Release | Create your own badge with your discord info.Includes templates for fake CIA, NSA, FBI, Discord, and every NHL hockey team. Requirements: pillow, pybarcode |
Tweets | Release | A modified version of Palmtree5's twitter cog.Utilizes twitter streams to setup a twitter channel to post user tweets. Requirements: tweepy |
Translate | Release | Add flag emojis to messages to translate to that language or translate messages by command.(Uses Google Translate and may incur some fees) |
AddImage | Release | Allows you to add images to be posted on command.Stores the image in the bot folder then uploads the image directly. Owners may add images globally. |
Emojireact | Release | Have your bot react to emojis in messages with the emoji! |
Faces | Release | Find your own Japanese style emoji face courtesy of the CIA. |
REKT | Release | Display a random list of funny rekt messages. |
Weather | Release | check the current weather in many cities around the world including in Kelvin. |
Starboad | Release | Create a starboard channel with custom emojis. |
Imgflip | Release | A recreation of the meme generator from red V1. |
Imagemaker | Release | A cog to paste avatars onto images like beautiful and pepe.Requirements: pillow, opencv-python, and numpy |
Conversions | Release | Currency, crypto, and stocks commands. |
Mock | Release | Mock the user who last posted!Note: This requires not having the--dev flag enabled, however if you need both install the dev cog in my repo. |
Encoding | Release | Encode messages into various types of encoding.Includes, sha hashes, md5, caeser cihpher, binar, and DNA |
Compliment | Release | Compliment a user! |
ServerStats | Release | A plethora of potentially useful functions on server info.Includes a way to track the bot joining new servers, find cheaters on global economies, get user avatars and even larger emojis. |
Runescape | Beta | a cog to grab Runescape 3 stats and profile information. |
Destiny | Beta | a cog to grab Destiny 2 stats and profile information.Note: This cog requires downloading a manifest ~160 MB. |
Fun | Release | The fun cog from Appu's Selfbot rewritten for redbot V3 including adding reactions and other "fun" commands. |
Gabai | Beta | A cog to grab information and posts from |
Tarot | Release | Find your tarot reading, your life reading, or pull a random tarot card!Search for specific tarot cards. |
APNGFilter | Release | Automatically filter animated PNG's.Also works with linked animated PNG's. |
CrabRave | Release | Create your very own Crab Rave videos with custom text!This cog requires moviepy, FFMPEG, and Imagemagick and downloads the template video locally. |
These Cogs are a work in progress and have limited to no functionality at the moment. Feel free to leave ideas or suggestions!
Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status) |
Halo | Work in Progress | Cogs for accessing information from the Halo video games API systems. |
Chatter | Alpha | Currently disabled until I can work on it.Teach your bot how to talk by watching conversations on servers and reply. Uses chatterbot library. NOTE: This cog is not recommended to be used at this time. After a month of usage it caused the whole bot to slow down while it searched for responses. I recommend looking at cleverbot for the time being. |
These cogs were originally written by others for V2. As they were used frequently on TrustyBot I ported them over quickly for V3. A better version may be available.
Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status) |
Autorole | Release | Automatically apply roles when a user joins the server. |
Stickyroles | Release | Keep user roles when they leave the server and re-join. Useful for muted roles. |
Welcome | Beta | Welcomes users to the server. |
Cleverbot | Release | Have your bot respond with cleverbot requires a paid API key, is supported |
Insult | Release |
These cogs are not meant for mainstream use but may provide some useful functions for some people. Support may be limited.
Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status) |
Backup | Release | Backs up all messages on a server.Use with caution and ensure any backups are stored on an encrypted drive. |
Juche | Release | Corrects dates posted in discord with the current Juche year. |
Dev | Release | A copy of the developer commands in redbot with NOTE:This bypasses the |
Hue | Release | A cog to control Philips Hue lights through discord.Not tested with bots outside the home network. |
Any questions you can find TrustyBot and myself over on my server or on the Redbot Cog Support server.
- Twentysix - Cleverbot cog, imgflip cog, Stickyroles cog
- Lunar Dust - Autorole cog
- Arien - Compliments cog, Insult cog
- JennJenn - Compliments cog, Insult cog
- Appu - Fun cog
- Ivan Seidel ( - Trump command
- Bruno Lemos ( - Trump command
- João Pedro ( - Trump command
- RePulsR - Modlogs cog
- NotSoSuper - Notsobot cog
- Aziz - Translate cog
- Palmtree5 - Tweets cog
- irdumb - Welcome cog
- DankMemer Team - CrabRave cog
Credits wouldn't be complete without a huge shout out to all the people who have inspired me to create many of these cogs. Thank you to everyone who has pushed me to think about new ideas and implement them.