filmigobot is a fully serverless high-performace inline telegram bot to search different movie databases using the filmigo library written in GO. It is designed to be easily deployed to Vercel but has support almost any other servers. It currently supports IMDb, JustWatch and OMDb.
Connect a new bot to the Public App now or deploy a new instance following the instructions below. Sample Bot
start - Check if the bot is alive.
about - Basic Information About the bot.
help - Short Guide on How to Use the Bot.
privacy - Read the user privacy policy.
imdb - Search or get a movie from IMDb.
jw - Search or get a movie from JustWatch
: Optional. On vercel, a list of bot tokens allowed to connect to the app or leave empty allow anyone to connect. On servers, a single bot token.DEFAULT_SEARCH_METHOD
: The default method to use for inline search. Possible values are jw, imdb & omdb.
Deploy your own filmigobot app to vercel
Deploy To Render
Make sure to have the following options set :
Build Command
go build .
Start Command
Advanced >> Health Check Path
Run Locally/VPS
You must have the latest version of GO installed first
git clone cd filmigobot go build . ./filmigobot
Any data obtained using the bot is not allowed to be used for commercial use. Please read the Privacy Policy of the respective movie database before using, sharing or modifying data from them.
Licensed under GNU GPL 3.0..