Conway's Game of Life - Cellular Automata in Python
This is a python3 package that provides two classes that together implement Conway's Game of Life.
>>> from GameOfLife import *
>>> w = World()
>>> w.addPattern('glider')
>>> while True:
>>> w.step()
>>> print(w)
You can use pip to install GameOfLife
$ sudo pip3 install GameOfLife
You can clone this repository
$ git clone
$ cd GameOfLife
$ python3 install
I've provided two examples in the contrib directory of the repo: CGameOfLife and PGameOfLife. The C stands for curses and will show a simulation in a terminal window using the time-honored curses library. The P in PGameOfLife stands for PyGame and draws the simulation in a pygame window.
$ [CP] [pattern_name[,X,Y]] ...
$ [CP] foo
unknown pattern: 'foo'
known patterns:
$ [CP] glider,10,10 pulsar,0,0 lws,0,20
There are lots of ways of representing a Game of Life board but I
decided to write it as a two dimensional grid of cell objects. The
grid would organize the cells and the cells would implement the
rules that would determine their state: alive or dead. The grid
is called the World
and the cells are called... Cell
An obvious drawback of this design is that it is memory inefficient:
each display element is represented by a Cell
object. Assuming a two
color display, you would only need one bit per display element to
model the state of each state. A Cell
object is much larger than
that. That said, my goal was to practice writing good objects
and then experiencing how this solution would evolve.
The first technical problem, of course, is that python doesn't have a
native two dimensional grid object. I picked a list object as my
foundational grid object and overrode the __getitem__
method to
implement accessing elements using x and y coordinates.
This also made it easier to implement an "infinite" grid by wrapping the edges when accessed by (x,y) and still allowed iterating through all the cells serially.
Now that we can access Cell
s, it's time to decide what the
should do. Each cell tracks it's current state: alive or
dead and has to know what rules it should be following. In order to to
compute it's next state, it requires the number of living cells in
it's immediate environ. Consider a cell embedded in a rectangular
matrix; this cell has eight neigbors in the 3x3 sub-matrix where the
target cell has coordinates (1,1).
Technically, cells don't really need to know where they are in the
world, they only care about the current state of their
neighbors. However the cells cannot directly access neighboring cells,
as that would violate division of labor between the cell and grid data
structures. I also didn't want the Cell
to have some weird back
reference to the World
Because the cells know their own address, they can compute the
addresses of their neighbors. This simplifies the World.step
method since it doesn't need to compute each cell's neighbors as it
iterates through all the cells. One step further would be to keep
a list of the actual neighbor cells. The World.step
would become even more simple since it would not have to provide
any information to a cell other than it's time to compute the next
At the end of the day, the step function was a O(2*n) method since each cell was visited in two batches: the first to record the number of alive neighbors for each cell and the second to change state based on the number of alive neighbors. Most of the time this is implemented as a frame buffer type data structure, with one frame indicating the n-th step and the other frame the n+1-th step. It's a classic space for time trade off.
I have provided a few simple patterns to prove that the simulation is
working. The Patterns
dictionary is keyed with each pattern's
name and then a string representing cell states: spaces are not-alive
cells, non-spaces are alive cells. A newline in the string indicates a
new row.
After I wrote it and started thinking about optimizations, I began
to think about replacing the Cell
model with a numpy array to take
advantage of presumably optimized array accessors. Or even just an
array of characters and letting the character value encode the cell
state in a more compact (and obtuse) manner. Those changes are pretty
disruptive and I decided to postpone them.
As far as simple but useful optimizations, caching each cell's
neighbor coordinates traded space for time when calculating the status
of each cell's neighbors in the step
method. This simplifies the
method since it isn't necessary to pretend the list is a two dimension
object; just iterate through all the cells and ask each cell who
it's neighbors are. A better optimization might be to calculate the 1D
index rather than the 2D, but I think this brings too much knowledge
of the World
's implementation into the cell.
In order for a python object to participate in a set container, it
needs to implement a __hash__
method which should return a
unique hash value for the object. One lesson I learned: cache the hash
value of an object. It is much more efficient that computing the hash
value everytime the method is called. I suppose this is not a valid
optimization for object's whose hash value can mutate over time,
however Cell
s do not migrate around the World
and the
uniqueness of the hash is driven by the location of the cell.
The best optimization came when I realized that the World
only affected by living cells and I could achieve a more efficient
method if I only visited living cells and their immediate
surroundings. It is not a perfect solution as a World
could have
nearly all cells living and thus the number of alive cells would tend
to the number of total cells. However, that case is generally rare and
the number of live cells is usually much less than the total number of
cells in the world. [Cite needed :]
I added a new class, OptimizedWorld
, and overrode only a couple
of methods on World
: reset
, addPattern
, and
. I then imbued the class with a new property, a set named
which is initialized with all the live cells in the
The magic happens in the step
- Build a set of all the neighbors of all the live cells in the world.
- Update each cell with the number of live neighbors it has.
- Apply the live neighbor count to the cell to drive a state change.
- Finally, pull out any dead cells from the live set.
- Rinse and repeat.
This optimization resulted in some very impressive gains in speed; from roughly 10 generations a second to around 100 generations a second measured in the curses CGameOfLife implementation (on a Mid 2014 Mac Book Pro with a 2.8Ghz i7, 16G of memory and NVIDIA graphics).
The algorithm is O((alive+neighbors) x 2) where normally alive << total number of cells and neighbors is bounded by [0,alive x 8]. I think, my algorithm analysis is admittedly rusty.