Project developed using kotlin programming language and Jgraph/Javafx for the UI implementation.
The project consists in topics merely of Computational Theory of Automatons, providing the ease to model automatons graphically and transforming them to regular expressiosns and backwards.
Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA)
Non Deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA)
Non Deterministic Finite Automaton Epsilon (NFA-ε)
Push Down Automaton (PDA)
Turing Machine
From NFA to DFA
From NFAe to DFA
From DFA to Regular Expression(Regex)
From Context Free Grammar(CFG or CFL) to PDA
Minimizing DFA
Regular Expression to NFAe
Executable con be found in: AutomatonDfa/out/artifacts/AutomatonDfa_jar2/AutomatonDfa.jar
(Current .jar does not support all working methods).