The aim of this project is to build a tool to identify communities and influencers in a academic network. The tool should be able to:
- Load social graph
- Run community detection and centrality methods
- Visualize the network
- Load the Author Network dataset provided in The graph consists of authors and coauthor relationships.
- Implement Girvan-Newman clustering algorithm till 10th iteration level.
- Implement Pagerank algorithm.
- Implement Betweenness centrality measure. Using the previous implementation, perform the following tasks:
- Use Girvan-Newman algorithm to find clusters of authors.
- Find the top-10 authors with highest betweenness centrality.
- Visualize the output of Girvan-Newman algorithm by coloring nodes according to their assigned groups.
- Visualize the network and highlight the top 10 authors with the highest betweenness centrality, and top 10 edges with the highest betweenness centrality.