Basic demonstration of an OpenShift CI/CD pipeline for deploying applications across environments using advanced deployment strategies like Blue/Green.
The pipeline is designed with the declarative approach and the OpenShift Jenkins Pipeline Plugin.
The pipeline uses a shared library for common functionality, the library is embedded in this repository but can be externalized in other Git repository as well.
These are the projects (environments) used to deploy the application:
oc new-project dev
oc new-project test
oc new-project prod
A Jenkins instance is created in the dev project:
oc new-app --template=jenkins-ephemeral --name=jenkins -n dev
Then a set of permissions need to be granted:
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:dev:jenkins -n test
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:dev:jenkins -n prod
If the repository used is private a pull Secret is needed.
The Secret needs to be label with to be synchronized in Jenkins thanks to the OpenShift Jenkins Sync Plugin.
An annotation is used to automatically assign the Secret to any BuildConfig that matches the Git URI used.
The commands to create and label the Secret are:
oc create secret generic repository-credentials --from-file=ssh-privatekey=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa -n dev
oc label secret repository-credentials -n dev
oc annotate secret repository-credentials '*' -n dev
A pipeline is a special type of BuildConfig so to create it the new-build command is used:
oc new-build ssh:// --name=hello-service-pipeline --strategy=pipeline -e APP_NAME=hello-service -n dev
After the execution of this command the pipeline is started.