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Troubleshooting Guidelines

Joshua edited this page Jun 16, 2023 · 1 revision
  1. Check Database Connection Details: Verify that the storage_information section of the storage.yml file contains the correct information for your database. Ensure that the SQL type, username, password, database name, port, and maximum pool size are accurate and match your database setup.

  2. Validate JDBC URL: Double-check the JDBC URL specified in the query_information section for the corresponding SQL flavor (e.g., mysql-url for MySQL, sqlite-url for SQLite). Ensure that the URL includes the correct host, port, and database name. In the case of MySQL, also confirm that the JDBC driver class (mysql-driver-class) is set to the appropriate value.

  3. Verify Database Availability: Make sure the database server is running and accessible. Check if the host, port, and database server are up and running without any connectivity issues. Ensure that there are no firewalls or network restrictions blocking the connection to the database.

  4. Review Log Files: Check the log files of MCSF or the associated database driver for any error messages or warnings related to the database connection. Log files can provide valuable insights into the specific issues encountered during the connection process.

  5. Test Database Connection: Attempt to establish a manual connection to the database using the provided credentials. Use database management tools or command-line interfaces to verify if you can connect to the database using the specified connection details.

  6. Validate Query Syntax: Ensure that the SQL queries defined in the query_information section are valid and properly formatted. Review the query syntax, including the table names, column names, and query parameters. Incorrect query syntax can lead to errors or unexpected behavior.

  7. Permissions and Privileges: Check the permissions and privileges of the database user specified in the storage_information section. Ensure that the user has sufficient privileges to create tables, and execute queries on the specified database.

  8. Restart Server and Plugin: If you have made changes to the storage.yml file, restart your server and reload the MCSF plugin to ensure that the new configuration is properly loaded.

  9. Consult Documentation and Community: If you encounter persistent issues, consult the documentation and resources provided by MCSF. Make an issue or contact me directly

By following these troubleshooting guidelines, you can identify and resolve common issues. Remember to validate your configuration, check connectivity, and review any error messages or logs to pinpoint the root cause of the problem.

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