def generate_grid(grid_size) { ('A'..'Z').to_a[rand(26)] } end
def included?(guess, grid) guess.all? { |letter| guess.count(letter) <= grid.count(letter) } end
def compute_score(attempt, time_taken) (time_taken > 60.0) ? 0 : attempt.size * (1.0 - time_taken / 60.0) end
def run_game(attempt, grid, start_time, end_time) result = { time: end_time - start_time }
result[:translation] = get_translation(attempt) result[:score], result[:message] = score_and_message( attempt, result[:translation], grid, result[:time])
result end
def score_and_message(attempt, translation, grid, time) if included?(attempt.upcase, grid) if translation score = compute_score(attempt, time) [score, "well done"] else [0, "not an english word"] end else [0, "not in the grid"] end end
def get_translation(word) api_key = "YOUR_SYSTRAN_API_KEY" begin response = open("{api_key}&input=#{word}") json = JSON.parse( if json['outputs'] && json['outputs'][0] && json['outputs'][0]['output'] && json['outputs'][0]['output'] != word return json['outputs'][0]['output'] end rescue if'/usr/share/dict/words').upcase.split("\n").include? word.upcase return word else return nil end end end
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions