Simple Node.js temporary email service built with Koa, RethinkDB, Nodemailer, Pug, Bootstrap and Handlebars.js.
The app consists of two parts: a web frontend for viewing stored mail and a SMTP server which accepts messages and saves them in the database.
Use it now at
- Real-time email notifications powered by RethinkDB changefeeds and server-sent events.
- Live email alerts using browser web notifications and favico.js.
- Full HTML email support sanitized with Google Caja.
- Multiple domain support.
- Clone this repo:
git clone && cd pleasenospam
- Install dependencies:
docker-compose run -e NODE_ENV= --rm --no-deps app npm install
- Start the mail server:
docker-compose up -d mail
- Start the frontend and watch for changes:
docker-compose run -e NODE_ENV= --rm --service-ports app npm run watch
Follow the first two development steps.
with any custom setting overrides -
with Docker options and ports to use -
Start the production frontend, database and mail servers:
docker-compose up