Capstone project for PDX Codeguild
An app to virtually organize a model of the pokemon cards in your physical inventory. The user will be able to search, retreieve, and save pokemon cards by name, TCG id, and set. I will be building the app using the Pokemon API https:// and pokemon developers portal: The idea is to provide a means for a collectors to save pokemon cards into a database for inventory management. Now you can take all your pokemon cards put in a card protector and trading case; whilst maintaining inventory online.
Inventory management is messy. Allow for convenient storage whilst maintaining record of your personal inventory on your computer or smart device. Simply, logon to your secure account and search millions of pokemon cards and create your pokemon deck for inventory access.
- search pokemon cards
- delete pokemon cards
- organize a virtual deck
- Secure login
- django captcha
- Pokemon TCG
- Launch django begin backend development
- home page, login page, captcha, pokemon app page
- create a function to search and save pokemon cards
- Setup Vue
- Debugging paths
- Styling
- Adding additional features (time permitted)
- User login
- search and save pokemon cards
- QR code converter for 'pokemon decks'
- added search criteria: set, type, subtypes, rarities
- automated alerts when buyers are searching for cards in your inventory