⚠️ Development Status: Pre-audit & Non-Production These smart contracts are under active development, have not yet undergone a formal security audit, and are experimental in nature. We strongly advise against using this code in production environments at this stage.
A fair and transparent protocol for creating tokens with customizable price curves. Launch your token with confidence using mathematically elegant price discovery.
Glottis Protocol combines the best of bonding curves with automated market making to create a fair token launch experience. It uses beautiful Bézier curves to control token pricing and ensures everyone gets an equal chance to participate.
- Create tokens easily with your own price curve
- Choose how aggressive or gradual you want the price to increase
- No special privileges - everyone plays by the same rules
- Price follows a smooth curve divided into 100 equal steps
- Each step has a fixed amount of tokens at a predictable price
- No sudden jumps or unfair advantages
- Initial Mint: Mint/Burn tokens as they follow your designed price curve
- Liquidity Creation: Automatically creates a Uniswap trading pool
- Open Trading: Free trading begins on Uniswap
- Equal access for all participants
- Transparent pricing from start to finish
- No backdoors or special allocations
- Small fees to align incentives
- Set the development rpc endpoint
export UNICHAIN_TESTNET_RPC_URL=https://sepolia.unichain.org/
Run specific test with detailed output:
forge test --match-path test/Glottis20MintTest.t.sol -vvvv
Test Results and Code Scanning
For more information on our tests, please refer to the following:
- Unichain Testnet (Sepolia): 1301
- Unichain Mainnet: 130
Contract | Address |
Factory | 0x5C69bEe701ef814a2B6a3EDD4B1652CB9cc5aA6f |
UniswapV2Router02 | 0x920b806E40A00E02E7D2b94fFc89860fDaEd3640 |
Error Name | Hex Code |
MaxSupplyReached | 0xd05cb609 |
InvalidAmount | 0x2c5211c6 |
ETHTransferFailed | 0xb12d13eb |
InvalidPricePoints | 0xbf8c0e9d |
TokenNotFound | 0xcbdb7b30 |
InvalidInput | 0xb4fa3fb3 |
InsufficientPayment | 0xcd1c8867 |
InsufficientLiquidity | 0xbb55fd27 |
InsufficientBalance | 0xf4d678b8 |
CurveNotCompleted | 0x7ec3f157 |
SlippageExceeded | 0x8199f5f3 |
Initial Mint/Burn Phase
- Price follows the defined Bézier curve
- Tokens are minted progressively through 100 steps
- Each step has a fixed amount of tokens at a fixed price
- Small burn fee (0.35%) to discourage immediate dumping
Liquidity Creation
- After initial sale completes, equal amount of tokens are minted for liquidity
- Collected ETH is used to create a Uniswap V2 liquidity pool
- Fair fee distribution between protocol, creator, and caller
Open Trading
- Trading becomes unlocked after liquidity pool creation
- Tokens can be freely traded on Uniswap
- Uniswap Pool Creation:
- Protocol Fee: 0.20%
- Creator Fee: 0.10%
- Caller Fee: 0.05%
- Trading:
- Burn Fee: 0.35%
- Mint fee: 0.00%
Glottis20Mint: the Mint contract handling token creation and sales
- Manages token deployment
- Handles bonding curve calculations
- Controls minting and burning
- Manages liquidity pool creation
Glottis20: ERC20 implementation with additional features
- Controlled minting through the Mint
- Trading lock mechanism
- Immutable supply and decimals
The protocol uses efficient mathematical implementations for Bézier curve calculations:
// Cubic Bézier curve formula:
// P = (1-t)³P₀ + 3(1-t)²tP₁ + 3(1-t)t²P₂ + t³P₃
This project is licensed under the Business Source License 1.1 (BUSL-1.1). See LICENSE.md for details.
- Licensor: Nikola Jokić
- Licensed Work: Glottis Protocol
- Additional Use Grant: Any uses listed and defined at https://glottis.fun/license-grants
- Change Date: 2027-01-01
- Change License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
- Commercial use and production deployment of the Licensed Work are not permitted
- Research, testing, and personal non-commercial use are permitted
- Additional use rights may be granted at https://glottis.fun/license-grants