An editor tool that allows you transfer Animation Clip into Animator States with batch processing.
- Unity 2021.3.5 or higher
"Plugins -> AnimTransferer" to open it.
- Click Browse to setup both source/output json file folder.
- Add and setup your own anim transfer group.
- When everything is set-up,click button Transfer.
- AnimTransferer will replace the animation clips in the states of TargetAnimatorController in AnimAssets according to the config of ClipStatePairs
- (Optional) Click button Export Json File to export json data somewhere you like.
GroupName(string) : Define you group name, when group name isn't empty, the exported json will use it as one part of file name.
ExportAnimAssetData(bool) : When enable, exported json will include anim asset's file path & guid as path info. Allow editor load asset back from these path when loading json data.
FindSimilarClipName(bool) : When enable, Clip that in source animations with similar name compared to the config of Clip-State-Pairs will also regarded as transferable Clip.
PreferedSimilarityOfClipName(float)(Show up when Find Find Similar Clip Name is enable) : When the similarity between the name of Clip and any Source Clip Name in Clip-State-Pairs is greater or equal to the set value, the editor will treat it as a transferable Clip.
FindSimilarStateName(bool) : When enable, State that in the target controller with similar name compared to the config of Clip-State-Pairs will also regarded as transferable State.
PreferedSimilarityOfStateName(float)(Show up when Find Similar State Name is enable) : When the similarity between the name of State and any Target Animator Controller Name in Clip-State-Pairs is greater or equal to the set value, the editor will treat it as a transferable State.
ReplaceMatchedStateNameWithConfig(bool)(Show up when Find Similar State Name is enable) : When enable, matched State's name will replace with most similar name found in the config of Clip-State-Pairs.
ClipStatePairs(List) : AnimTransferer will try finding clips in SourceAnimationClips in AnimAssets with SourceClipName,and then, find matched state name in the TargetAnimatorController in AnimAssets with TargetStateName,finally,replace matched state's motion's clip with matched clip.
AnimAssets(List) : Drag and drop your SourceAnimationClips and TargetAnimatorController that you want to transfer here.
Add to Package Manager.
This library is under the MIT License.