Various data structures directly stored in memmapped files or as bytearray in memory with focus on efficiency and performance.
use bytestore::{
memory::{MemoryBackend, MemoryData},
mmap_mut::{MmapBackendMut, MmapFileMut},
components::{indexed_file::IndexedFile, map::FMap, multi_file::MultiFile},
fn main() {
// Create a memory backend with an initial capacity of 100 bytes
let backend = MemoryBackend::create(MemoryData::new(vec![0u8; 100])).unwrap();
// Split the backend into multiple subackends to allow storing multiple variables of different
// types in the same backend.
let mut mfile = MultiFile::create(backend).unwrap();
// Insert a new empty component of type `IndexedFile`. This data type holds an index for
// multiple variable length data, like strings or lists. This can be seen as `Vec` with unknown
// sized values.
let mut my_list = mfile.insert_new_backend::<IndexedFile<_>>().unwrap();
// Insert any serializable value!
// And get them by their indices!
assert_eq!(my_list.get_t::<String>(0).as_deref(), Ok("Hello"));
assert_eq!(my_list.get_t::<String>(1).as_deref(), Ok("world"));
// If the initial backend is a memory mapped file, you have to flush it in order to ensure its
// completely written to disk. At this point you can drop it and load it later on.
// Loading an existing file as backend mutable:
let backend = MmapBackendMut::create(MmapFileMut::create("./my_file", 100).unwrap()).unwrap();
// You can load it using: let backend = MmapBackendMut::create(MmapFileMut::load("./my_file").unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut mfile = MultiFile::create(backend).unwrap();
// `FMap` is a HashMap like component that is stored in the given backend. It uses a custom
// implementation of fnv. You have to implement the new trait for custom types.
let mut hashmap = mfile.insert_new_backend::<FMap<_, String, u32>>().unwrap();
hashmap.insert(&String::from("hello"), &1).unwrap();
hashmap.insert(&String::from("world"), &2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(hashmap.get(&String::from("hello")), Some(1));
assert_eq!(hashmap.get(&String::from("world")), Some(2));
Component name | Description |
BitVec | Bitvector that uses the provided backend to store the bits with as less memory as possible. |
CustomHeaderFile | Implements "Backend" and can be used to store some metadata. |
IndexedFile | Similar to Vec<T> but additionally holds an index for variable sized data eg. strings. |
List | Similar to Vec<T> but T is a fixed size type like integer. |
CompressedIntList | List of integer but get serialized using varint. |
FMap | Similar to HashMap. Uses fnv as hashing algorithm. |
MultiFile | Splits a backend into multiple backends. Useful if you want to store multiple different components within the same backend. |
SplitFile | Similar to MultiFile but only divides a backend into two backends. This has less overhead and you should prefer this one if you only need to split a backend into two. |