This is the main repository for the Capstone Project Bangkit Academy 2023
- Rahmat (M043DSX3291)
- Thomas Andre Pratama (M043DSX2165)
- Naufal Adli Purnama (M038DSX1852)
- Aldi Rifaldi Saputra (C267DSX2626)
- Najwan Firdaus Haris (C267DSX4856)
- Dipdha Turfaqintar Aswaj Marzuki (A267DSX2260)
Theme : Human Healthcare and Living Wellbeings
Trash Line is a Healthcare application that is created for the piles of garbage from various places that are less visible or unknown by the garbage workers can be picked up. Users can provide information on the point where the garbage is piled up, by including a photo as proof that the garbage is really there at the location sent. With real evidence and with accurate information sent by users through the application, garbage officers can be helped and rush to pick up the garbage at the point that has been notified.