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Code Reference

Nils Feldkämper edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 13 revisions


// display characteristics
#define _LCDML_DISP_cols  20
#define _LCDML_DISP_rows  4 

// this value have to be the same as the last menu element
#define _LCDML_DISP_cnt    17  


LCDML   // object of the LCDMenuLib2 class
LCDML_0 // object of the first menu element


All Makros start "LCDML_"

// create some global used variables, have to be called under the 
// creation of the menu and outside of any other functions 

// have to be placed in the main setup function 

// add menu elements to the menu
// id       = starts with 0 and have to increment with '1' 
// parent   = at level 0 the parent is "LCDML_0" 
//            at every other level the parent is the name of the level before + 
//            the child number _1, _2, ...
// child    = 1,2,3 is the number of a child (starts with 1)
// content  = is the displayed name of a menu element, can be set to "" when it is dynamic
// callback = is the menu function which is called when the element is activ
//            can be set to NULL if no menu function exists 
LCDML_add(id, parent, child, content, callback);

// add a advanced menu element
// id, parent, child, content have the same functionality to LCDML_add
// callback = depending on settings: 
//            settings = _LCDML_TYPE_default => it is a normal menu function
//            settings = _LCDML_TYPE_dynParam => it is a dynContent function
// param    = is a number (0-255) which is a parameter of every menu function 
// condetion= is a function with a "boolean" return value
LCDML_addAdvanced(id, parent, child, condetion, content, callback, param, settings);

// get the menu element name and copy the name in the "var" variable 
// var = is a string with _LCDML_DISP_cols characters
// id  = is the id of menu element
LCDML_getContent(var, id);

##LCDMenuLib methods

All methods can be called with "LCDML."

// constructor
LCDMenuLib2(LCDMenuLib2_menu &p_r ,const uint8_t p_rows, const uint8_t p_cols, LCDML_FuncPtr contentUpdate, LCDML_FuncPtr contentClear, LCDML_FuncPtr menuControl);

// init method
void                LCDML.init(uint8_t);                          // initialisation of the menu / reset the complete menu
// loop methods
void                LCDML.loop(void);                             // call the loop_menu and the loop_control function
void                LCDML.loop_control(void);                     // call callback function to control the menu 
void                LCDML.loop_menu(void);                        // checks if a button or a menu function are needed and call them
// menu methods            
void                LCDML.MENU_display(uint8_t update=0);         // update the current menu structure but do not display it
void                LCDML.MENU_goRoot(void);                      // set the cursor to the root element
void                LCDML.MENU_enRollover(void);                  // enable menu rollover (first to last or last to first element on a layer)
void                LCDML.MENU_disRollover(void);                 // disable the menu rollover function
void                LCDML.MENU_enScroll(void);                    // enable the scroll function (this function can be disabled on dyn content elements and when a encoder is used)
void                LCDML.MENU_disScroll(void);                   // disable the scroll function to catch the cursor to an dyn content element when a encoder is used
void                LCDML.MENU_setDynContent(void);               // set this value when dyn content is shown on the current windows of the display                          
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_checkDynContent(void);             // check if dyn content is displayed 
bool                LCDML.MENU_getScrollDisableStatus(void);      // check if the scroll function is disabled
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getLayer(void);                    // get the current layer of the menu
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getCursorPos(void);                // get the current cursor position (row 0, row 1, row 2, ...)
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getCursorPosAbs(void);             // get the current cursor postion absolute (..., row 10, row 11, ..) based on the menu structure
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getChilds(void);                   // get the current number of childs on this layer
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getParentID(uint8_t p_layer=0);    // get the parent id of a selected higher layer
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getScroll(void);                   // get the current scroll value
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getLastActiveFunctionID(void);     // returns the id of the last active function
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getLastCursorPositionID(void);     // returns the last cursor position function id
uint8_t             LCDML.MENU_getElementIDFromCursorPos(void);   // returns the menu element id from current cursor position   
void                LCDML.MENU_setDynFunctionContentUpdate(void); // this is a special function for dynamic content to update the dynamic content again
void                LCDML.MENU_clearDynFunctionContentUpdate(void);// this is a special function to clear the dynamic content update. this function is called internally                
LCDMenuLib2_menu *  LCDML.MENU_getDisplayedObj(void);             // get the objection with the current content to display                    
LCDMenuLib2_menu *  LCDML.MENU_getCurrentObj(void);               // get the current menu child object
LCDMenuLib2_menu *  LCDML.MENU_getRootObj(void);                  // get the root menu object
// BT = button methods
bool                LCDML.BT_setup(void);                         // check if the button initialisation was done
void                LCDML.BT_enter(void);                         // set button enter
void                LCDML.BT_up(void);                            // set button up
void                LCDML.BT_down(void);                          // set button down
void                LCDML.BT_left(void);                          // set button left
void                LCDML.BT_right(void);                         // set button right
void                LCDML.BT_quit(void);                          // set button quit
void                LCDML.BT_resetAll(void);                      // reset all button states
void                LCDML.BT_resetEnter(void);                    // reset enter button state
void                LCDML.BT_resetUp(void);                       // reset up button state
void                LCDML.BT_resetDown(void);                     // reset down button state
void                LCDML.BT_resetLeft(void);                     // reset left button state
void                LCDML.BT_resetRight(void);                    // reset right button state
void                LCDML.BT_resetQuit(void);                     // reset quit button state
bool                LCDML.BT_checkAny(void);                      // check if any button was pressed
bool                LCDML.BT_checkEnter(void);                    // check enter button
bool                LCDML.BT_checkUp(void);                       // check up button
bool                LCDML.BT_checkDown(void);                     // check down button
bool                LCDML.BT_checkLeft(void);                     // check left button
bool                LCDML.BT_checkRight(void);                    // check right button
bool                LCDML.BT_checkQuit(void);                     // check quit button        
// CE = custom event
bool                LCDML.CE_setup(void);                         // check if the button initialisation was done
void                LCDML.CE_set(uint8_t p_event);                // set button enter           
void                LCDML.CE_resetAll(void);                      // reset all button states
void                LCDML.CE_reset(uint8_t p_event);              // reset enter button state            
bool                LCDML.CE_checkAny(void);                      // check if any button was pressed
bool                LCDML.CE_check(uint8_t p_event);              // check enter button
void                LCDML.CE_setOnChangeCbFunction(uint8_t p_event, LCDML_FuncPtr_pu8 p_function);    // add callback function
void                LCDML.CE_clearOnChangeCbFunction(uint8_t p_event);                                // remove callback function
// display methods
void                LCDML.DISP_update(void);                                  // display the content and update the menu structure 
void                LCDML.DISP_menuUpdate(void);                              // display the content but do not update the menu structure
void                LCDML.DISP_clear(void);                                   // calls the callback function to clear the display
bool                LCDML.DISP_checkMenuUpdate(void);                         // check if there is new content to display
bool                LCDML.DISP_checkMenuCursorUpdate(void);                   // check if the cursor was moved
uint8_t             LCDML.DISP_getMenuContentId(uint8_t n);                   // get the id`s from a contentelement for a special line 
// menu function methods
bool                LCDML.FUNC_setup(void);                                   // check if a menu function is called the first time to init some things
bool                LCDML.FUNC_loop(void);                                    // check if a menu function is running in a loop
bool                LCDML.FUNC_close(void);                                   // check if a menu function is closed to reach a stable state                     
void                LCDML.FUNC_goBackToMenu(uint8_t p_goBackCnt=0);           // close the current menu function (the FUNC_close check is true when this is set)
uint8_t             LCDML.FUNC_getID(void);                                   // get the ID of the current menu function
void                LCDML.FUNC_setLoopInterval(unsigned long p_t);            // set a loop intervall for the current menu function the default loop intervall is 100000000 ms
void                LCDML.FUNC_disableScreensaver(void);                      // disable the screensaver for the current menu function 
void                LCDML.FUNC_setGBAToLastCursorPos(void);                   // set a special "go back handling" - only to last cursor position
void                LCDML.FUNC_setGBAToLastFunc(void);                        // set a special "go back handling" - only to last function
void                LCDML.FUNC_setGBA(void);                                  // set a special "go back handling" which decide between the two function above 
void                LCDML.FUNC_setCEMask(unsigned long p_mask);               // set a mask to enable only special events for a menu function
// timer methods
bool                LCDML.TIMER_ms(unsigned long &p_var, unsigned long p_t);  // a small timer based on the millis() function
void                LCDML.TIMER_msReset(unsigned long &p_var);                // reset the millis timer 
bool                LCDML.TIMER_us(unsigned long &p_var, unsigned long p_t);  // a small timer based on the micros() function
void                LCDML.TIMER_usReset(unsigned long &p_var);                // reset the micros timer
// other methods
void                LCDML.OTHER_jumpToFunc(LCDML_FuncPtr_pu8 p_search, uint8_t p_para = 0);   // jumpTo a defined function based on the function name 
void                LCDML.OTHER_jumpToID(uint8_t p_search, uint8_t p_para = 0);               // jumpTo a defined function based on the function id
void                LCDML.OTHER_setCursorToID(uint8_t p_search);                              // set the cursor to a defined function based on the id
void                LCDML.OTHER_setCursorToFunc(LCDML_FuncPtr_pu8 p_search);                  // set the cursor to a defined function based on the function name
uint8_t             LCDML.OTHER_getIDFromFunction(LCDML_FuncPtr_pu8 p_search);                // get the menu element id from a menu element function name 
void                LCDML.OTHER_updateFunc(void);                                             // update a menu function directly when it runs             
// screensaver methods
void                LCDML.SCREEN_enable(LCDML_FuncPtr_pu8 p_function, unsigned long p_t);     // enable the screensaver feature 
void                LCDML.SCREEN_disable(void);                                               // disable the screensaver feature
void                LCDML.SCREEN_resetTimer(void);                                            // reset the screensaver timer 
void                LCDML.SCREEN_start(void);                                                 // start the screensaver directly
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