Yet another MockServer
Provides a fake API based on json configuration files.
- json based configuration
- file watcher for reload of the configured paths
- Make config path based on a canonical path
- configuration validation
- add different request,response types xml ,json, text/html
- Readme
- extend functionality to update/create entries with a post call
With default values
- src/main/resources/config.json will be used as path for the configuration
- port 9090
object Main {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Changed port and path for the configuration
object Main {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
MockServer(port = 8080 , configFilePath="your/specific/path/to/config.json).start()
docker build -t yamockserver .
docker run -e CONFIG_PATH=/app/custom-config.json yamockserver````
If no configuration is provied for any kind of requst the http status code 200 is returned.
In general the method, path and body of the request is logged to the console for every request.
"paths": [
"path": "/v1/api",
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestBody": "api_request.json",
"responseStatus": 500,
"responseBody": "{\"response\" : \"error message\"}"
"path": "/v3/api",
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestBody": "api_request.json",
"responseStatus": 200,
"responseBodyFileReference": "response/api_response_object.json"
"path": "/v2/api",
"requestMethod": "GET",
"requestBody": "api_request.json",
"responseStatus": 200
"api": "content"
Apache License Version 2.0